我目前正在研究以下书籍:Vidi Saptari 的《傅里叶变换光谱仪器工程》。我的问题与下面的代码有关,基于书中附录 C 中的代码。下面的代码分别计算波数 [cm-1] 5000、10000 和 15000 的 3 个波的干涉图,然后执行 FFT 到检索信息。未缩放的输出的大小为 1600,而不是 1。
% Sampling clock signal generation
samp_period_nm = 632.8 / 4; % sampling period in nm. 632.8 is the HeNe laser's wavelength
samp_period = 1 * samp_period_nm * 10^-7; % sampling period in cm.
scan_dist = 0.1; % mirror scan distance in cm.
no_elements = floor(scan_dist/samp_period);
x_samp = 0:samp_period:samp_period*no_elements; %Vector of clock signals in cm
xn_samp = x_samp .* (1 + rand(1, length(x_samp)));
v1 = 5000;
v2 = 10000;
v3 = 15000;
arg = 4 * pi * x_samp;
y = cos(arg*v1) + cos(arg*v2) + cos(arg*v3) ;
total_data = 2^18;
no_zero_fills=[total_data - length(y)];
zero_fills=zeros(1, no_zero_fills);
%triangular apodization
n_y = length(y);
points = 1:1:n_y;
tri = 1 - 1/(n_y) * points(1:n_y);
y = y.*tri; %dot product of interferogram with triangular apodization function
y = [y zero_fills]; %zero filling
% FFT operation
fft_y = fft(y);
% fft_y = fft_y / n_y;
% fft_y = fft_y * samp_period;
fft_y(1) = [];
spec_y = abs(fft_y(1:n_fft/2)); %spectrum generation
nyquist = 1 / (samp_period * 4);
freq = (1:n_fft/2)/(n_fft/2)*nyquist; %frequency scale generation
plot(freq, spec_y); % plot of spectrum vs wave number
xlabel('Wavenumber [cm-1]');
ylabel('Intesity [V]');
通过将 fft (fft_y) 的结果与 dt = samp_period 相乘,如此处所建议的,峰值为 0.025。
按照相同链接的第二个解决方案,通过将 fft_y 除以 n_y(y 的长度),幅度为 0.25。