I'm trying to write a form theme class library to adjust the form layout in a simple way for any project I'll be working on.
This is basically an idea of what it should look like:
In essence, the plugin works as follows:
// form class, which inherits the plugin class
class FormToTheme : ThemedForm
public FormToTheme()
// some code here
// plugin class itself
class ThemedForm: Form
public ThemedForm()
// some code here
Basically I set the FormBorderStyle to None, and drew the layout by code.
But now, the controls that are added can be placed over the custom titlebar, which isn't possible in a normal form if you keep the default FormBorderStyle.
So I figured that I could work around this by automatically adding the controls to the content panel, instead of the usercontrol.
So what I tried to do was this:
private void ThemedForm_ControlAdded(Object sender, ControlEventArgs e)
// some simple code to set the control to the current theme I'm using
e.Control.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(66, 66, 66);
e.Control.ForeColor = Color.White;
// the code where I try to place the control in the contentPanel controls array,
// and remove it from it's parent's controls array.
if (e.Control.Name != contentPanel.Name)
But when I try to add a new control in the main form as well as in the visual editor, i get the following error:
child is not a child control of this parent
So my question is: is there a way to work around this error, and move the controls from the usercontrol to the content panel?
Note that I do want this to be automated in the ThemedForm class, instead of calling methods from the main form.
I tried this:
But that will only cause visual studio to freeze, and then I need to restart.