我正在尝试修复使用 TCP 接收文件的应用程序。不幸的是,我没有发送应用程序的源代码。我遇到的问题是,在收到第一个文件后,发送应用程序发送了第二个文件,但接收应用程序没有接收到它。
我认为问题在于接收文件后套接字没有被关闭。我有一个应该关闭它的方法,但是 _socket.Connected = false,所以什么也没做。但是,如果我检查端口,它仍然是绑定的,即使在套接字关闭之后也是如此。
Private Sub CloseSocket(ByVal disconnect As Boolean)
If Not (_socket Is Nothing) Then
If (_socket.Connected = True) Then
If(disconnect) Then
End If
End If
_socket = Nothing
End If
End Sub
我意识到我没有包含太多代码,但是 Listen 方法非常庞大且令人费解。如果它能提供洞察力,我可以获得额外的代码。任何帮助将不胜感激。
Private Shared Function TcpIpGetPortStatus(ByVal port As Int32) As String
Dim properties As NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties
Dim listeners As Net.IPEndPoint()
Dim local As Net.IPEndPoint
Dim connections As NetworkInformation.TcpConnectionInformation()
Dim t As NetworkInformation.TcpConnectionInformation
Dim portStatus As String
portStatus = "Disconnected"
properties = NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()
listeners = properties.GetActiveTcpListeners()
' Cycle through all listening TCP connections and find the one that is associated with port.
For Each local In listeners
If (local.Port = port) Then
portStatus = "Connected"
Exit For
End If
Next local
' Port wasn't in the listening state so check if it is established.
If (portStatus = "Disconnected") Then
properties = NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties()
connections = properties.GetActiveTcpConnections()
' Cycle through all active TCP connections and find the one that is associated with port.
For Each t In connections
If (t.LocalEndPoint.Port = port) Then
Select Case t.State
Case NetworkInformation.TcpState.Established
portStatus = "Connected"
Exit For
End Select
End If
Next t
End If
Catch ex As Exception
' Handle Exception...
End Try
Return portStatus
End Function
我只是在两个独立的系统之间运行它,使用 WireShark 来捕获数据。有一个 Sender 和 Receiver 我没有源代码,并且正在尝试与之集成,还有一个 Sender 和 Receiver,我正在更新代码以使其与现有代码正确通信。在这两种情况下发送的流是相同的(ACK 中的日期时间除外)。如果我从现有发送方向正在升级的接收方发送第二条消息,则消息会发送到端口,但开发中的接收方永远不会收到通知,这会挂起两个程序。