我正在使用这样的 php foreach 语句:
<?php foreach($files as $f): ?>
大量的 HTML
<?php endforeach; ?>
我怎样才能在循环中放置一个条件,以便它可以跳到下一次迭代。我知道我应该使用 continue,但我不确定如何使用这样的封闭 php 语句来做到这一点。它会是一个单独的php语句吗?是否可以将其放置在 HTML 的中途,以便执行循环中的部分但不是全部内容?
<?php foreach($files as $f): ?>
lots of HTML
<?php if (condition) continue; ?>
more HTML
<?php endforeach; ?>
我有一个非常相似的问题,所有搜索都把我带到了这里。希望有人发现我的帖子有用。从我自己的代码:对于 PHP 5.3.0,这有效:
foreach ($aMainArr as $aCurrentEntry) {
$nextElm = current($aMainArr); //the 'current' element is already one element ahead of the already fetched but this happens just one time!
if ($nextElm) {
$nextRef = $nextElm['the_appropriate_key'];
next($aMainArr); //then you MUST continue using next, otherwise you stick!
} else { //caters for the last element
further code here...
//further code here which processes $aMainArr one entry at a time...
对于 PHP 7.0.19,以下工作:
foreach ($aMainArr as $aCurrentEntry) {
$nextElm = next($aMainArr);
if ($nextElm) {
$nextRef = $nextElm['the_appropriate_key'];
} else { //caters for the last element
further code here...
//further code here which processes $aMainArr one entry at a time...