Previously i worked with Spring 2.5.6, and whenever i do some changes in jsp pages, i simply refresh the project in eclipse and the change will be reflect.

But then, we are migrating this to 3.0 and everything is fine, but even when i make some changes in JSP, and refresh the project, it is not reflecting. Every time we need to restart the server, to see the changes.

I tried everywhere and didn't get a solution for this.

I am using Eclipse 3.3 + jdk 1.6.0_22 + Windows 7. I am suffering a lot because of this and it would be great if someone helps me fix this issue


1 回答 1


有时这可能是由于您的浏览器缓存,尤其是像 javascript 或 css 这样的“大”文件。可以尝试的几件事可能是手动清除缓存,或者使用 Firefox 或 Chrome 之类的浏览器,使用隐私浏览功能(隐私浏览中没有缓存)并使用它来测试新功能。(如果您<resources>在 Spring MVC 中使用新 bean 尤其如此,我相信它会自动缓存它所指向的资源)


于 2012-08-30T13:27:30.530 回答