$ftp_server = "ftpaddress";
$ftp_user = "username";
$ftp_pass = "password";
// set up a connection or die
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");
//trying to connect with login details
if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass)) {
echo "Connected! ";
} else {
echo "Couldn't connect!";
//You can change it with the file name, this is for if you're upload using form.
$myName = $_POST['name']; //This will copy the text into a variable
$myFile = $_FILES['file_name']; // This will make an array out of the file information that was stored.
$destination_path = "dest/path/";
//your desired path for uploading)
$destination_file = $destination_path."img.jpg";
//This will create a full path with the file on the end for you to use, I like splitting the variables like this in case I need to use on on their own or if I'm dynamically creating new folders.
$file = $myFile['tmp_name'];
//Converts the array into a new string containing the path name on the server where your file is.
$upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $file, FTP_BINARY);// upload the file
if (!$upload) {// check upload status
echo "FTP upload of $destination_file has failed!";
} else {
echo "Uploaded $file to $conn_id as $destination_file";