我很确定这可以使用 CSS 和 div 来完成,但我在任何地方都找不到示例。


1 回答 1


Its hard to answer this without seeing any code or visual of what you're trying to accomplish. Could you post a link or JSFiddle?

If you don't want your image to overlap the slider or anything, simply having it higher in the HTML markup will mean it appears above the slider div.

If you want it to overlap, one solution could be to use absolute positioning, which is the preferred method of having something overlap another element. You may want to group the image and slider in a position:relative div, with the image or image div with {position:absolute; top:0}.

Again, if you post code and more details, I could help more.

于 2012-09-15T02:31:20.523 回答