我有一个主类 - Simulator - 它使用另外两个类 - Producer和Evaluator。生产者产生结果,而评估者评估这些结果。Simulator 通过查询 Producer 然后将结果传送给 Evaluator 来控制执行流程。
Producer 和 Evaluator 的实际实现在运行时是已知的,在编译时我只知道它们的接口。下面我粘贴接口、示例实现和 Simulator 类的内容。
package com.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Producers produce results. I do not care what is their type, but the values
* in the map have to be comparable amongst themselves.
interface IProducer {
public Map<Integer, Comparable> getResults();
* This implementation ranks items in the map by using Strings.
class ProducerA implements IProducer {
public Map<Integer, Comparable> getResults() {
Map<Integer, Comparable> result = new HashMap<Integer, Comparable>();
result.put(1, "A");
result.put(2, "B");
result.put(3, "B");
return result;
* This implementation ranks items in the map by using integers.
class ProducerB implements IProducer {
public Map<Integer, Comparable> getResults() {
Map<Integer, Comparable> result = new HashMap<Integer, Comparable>();
result.put(1, 10);
result.put(2, 30);
result.put(3, 30);
return result;
* Evaluator evaluates the results against the given groundTruth. All it needs
* to know about results, is that they are comparable amongst themselves.
interface IEvaluator {
public double evaluate(Map<Integer, Comparable> results,
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth);
* This is example of an evaluator (a metric) -- Kendall's Tau B.
class KendallTauB implements IEvaluator {
public double evaluate(Map<Integer, Comparable> results,
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth) {
int concordant = 0, discordant = 0, tiedRanks = 0, tiedCapabilities = 0;
for (Entry<Integer, Comparable> rank1 : results.entrySet()) {
for (Entry<Integer, Comparable> rank2 : results.entrySet()) {
if (rank1.getKey() < rank2.getKey()) {
final Comparable r1 = rank1.getValue();
final Comparable r2 = rank2.getValue();
final Double c1 = groundTruth.get(rank1.getKey());
final Double c2 = groundTruth.get(rank2.getKey());
final int rankDiff = r1.compareTo(r2);
final int capDiff = c1.compareTo(c2);
if (rankDiff * capDiff > 0) {
} else if (rankDiff * capDiff < 0) {
} else {
if (rankDiff == 0)
if (capDiff == 0)
final double n = results.size() * (results.size() - 1d) / 2d;
return (concordant - discordant)
/ Math.sqrt((n - tiedRanks) * (n - tiedCapabilities));
* The simulator class that queries the producer and them conveys results to the
* evaluator.
public class Simulator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
groundTruth.put(1, 1d);
groundTruth.put(2, 2d);
groundTruth.put(3, 3d);
List<IProducer> producerImplementations = lookUpProducers();
List<IEvaluator> evaluatorImplementations = lookUpEvaluators();
IProducer producer = producerImplementations.get(1); // pick a producer
IEvaluator evaluator = evaluatorImplementations.get(0); // pick an evaluator
// Notice that this class should NOT know what actually comes from
// producers (besides that is comparable)
Map<Integer, Comparable> results = producer.getResults();
double score = evaluator.evaluate(results, groundTruth);
System.out.printf("Score is %.2f\n", score);
// Methods below are for demonstration purposes only. I'm actually using
// ServiceLoader.load(Clazz) to dynamically discover and load classes that
// implement these interfaces
public static List<IProducer> lookUpProducers() {
List<IProducer> producers = new ArrayList<IProducer>();
producers.add(new ProducerA());
producers.add(new ProducerB());
return producers;
public static List<IEvaluator> lookUpEvaluators() {
List<IEvaluator> evaluators = new ArrayList<IEvaluator>();
evaluators.add(new KendallTauB());
return evaluators;
此代码应编译并运行。无论您选择哪种生产者实现,您都应该得到相同的结果 (0.82)。
- 在 Simulator 类、IEvaluator 和 IProducer 接口以及实现 IProducer 接口的类中,每当我引用 Comparable 接口时,都会收到以下警告:Comparable 是原始类型。对泛型 Comparable 的引用应该被参数化
- 在实现 IEvaluator 的类中,我收到以下警告(在 Map 的值上调用 compareTo() 时):类型安全:方法 compareTo(Object) 属于原始类型 Comparable。对泛型 Comparable 的引用应该被参数化
综上所述,模拟器有效。现在,我想摆脱编译警告。问题是,我不知道如何参数化接口 IEvaluator 和 IProducer,以及如何更改 IProducer 和 IEvaluator 的实现。
- 我不知道生产者将返回的 Map 中值的类型。但我知道,它们都将属于同一类型,并且它们将实现 Comparable 接口。
- 类似地,IEvaluator 实例不需要知道任何关于正在评估的结果,除了它们是相同类型并且它们是可比较的(IEvaluator 实现需要能够调用 compareTo() 方法。)。
- 我必须让 Simulator 类摆脱这种“可比较”的困境——它不需要知道关于这些类型的任何信息(除了属于同一类型,这也是可比较的)。它的工作是简单地将结果从生产者传递给评估者。
使用下面答案中的一些想法,我到了这个阶段,它编译和运行没有警告,也不需要使用 SuppressWarnings 指令。这与 Eero 建议的非常相似,但主要方法有点不同。
package com.test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Producers produce results. I do not care what is their type, but the values
* in the map have to be comparable amongst themselves.
interface IProducer<T extends Comparable<T>> {
public Map<Integer, T> getResults();
* This implementation ranks items in the map by using Strings.
class ProducerA implements IProducer<String> {
public Map<Integer, String> getResults() {
Map<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
result.put(1, "A");
result.put(2, "B");
result.put(3, "B");
return result;
* This implementation ranks items in the map by using integers.
class ProducerB implements IProducer<Integer> {
public Map<Integer, Integer> getResults() {
Map<Integer, Integer> result = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
result.put(1, 10);
result.put(2, 30);
result.put(3, 30);
return result;
* Evaluator evaluates the results against the given groundTruth. All it needs
* to know about results, is that they are comparable amongst themselves.
interface IEvaluator {
public <T extends Comparable<T>> double evaluate(Map<Integer, T> results,
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth);
* This is example of an evaluator (a metric) -- Kendall's Tau B.
class KendallTauB implements IEvaluator {
public <T extends Comparable<T>> double evaluate(Map<Integer, T> results,
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth) {
int concordant = 0, discordant = 0, tiedRanks = 0, tiedCapabilities = 0;
for (Entry<Integer, T> rank1 : results.entrySet()) {
for (Entry<Integer, T> rank2 : results.entrySet()) {
if (rank1.getKey() < rank2.getKey()) {
final T r1 = rank1.getValue();
final T r2 = rank2.getValue();
final Double c1 = groundTruth.get(rank1.getKey());
final Double c2 = groundTruth.get(rank2.getKey());
final int rankDiff = r1.compareTo(r2);
final int capDiff = c1.compareTo(c2);
if (rankDiff * capDiff > 0) {
} else if (rankDiff * capDiff < 0) {
} else {
if (rankDiff == 0)
if (capDiff == 0)
final double n = results.size() * (results.size() - 1d) / 2d;
return (concordant - discordant)
/ Math.sqrt((n - tiedRanks) * (n - tiedCapabilities));
* The simulator class that queries the producer and them conveys results to the
* evaluator.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
groundTruth.put(1, 1d);
groundTruth.put(2, 2d);
groundTruth.put(3, 3d);
List<IProducer<?>> producerImplementations = lookUpProducers();
List<IEvaluator> evaluatorImplementations = lookUpEvaluators();
IProducer<?> producer = producerImplementations.get(0);
IEvaluator evaluator = evaluatorImplementations.get(0);
// Notice that this class should NOT know what actually comes from
// producers (besides that is comparable)
double score = evaluator.evaluate(producer.getResults(), groundTruth);
System.out.printf("Score is %.2f\n", score);
// Methods below are for demonstration purposes only. I'm actually using
// ServiceLoader.load(Clazz) to dynamically discover and load classes that
// implement these interfaces
public static List<IProducer<?>> lookUpProducers() {
List<IProducer<?>> producers = new ArrayList<IProducer<?>>();
producers.add(new ProducerA());
producers.add(new ProducerB());
return producers;
public static List<IEvaluator> lookUpEvaluators() {
List<IEvaluator> evaluators = new ArrayList<IEvaluator>();
evaluators.add(new KendallTauB());
return evaluators;
关键区别似乎在于 main 方法,目前看起来像这样。
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
groundTruth.put(1, 1d);
groundTruth.put(2, 2d);
groundTruth.put(3, 3d);
List<IProducer<?>> producerImplementations = lookUpProducers();
List<IEvaluator> evaluatorImplementations = lookUpEvaluators();
IProducer<?> producer = producerImplementations.get(0);
IEvaluator evaluator = evaluatorImplementations.get(0);
// Notice that this class should NOT know what actually comes from
// producers (besides that is comparable)
double score = evaluator.evaluate(producer.getResults(), groundTruth);
System.out.printf("Score is %.2f\n", score);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<Integer, Double> groundTruth = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
groundTruth.put(1, 1d);
groundTruth.put(2, 2d);
groundTruth.put(3, 3d);
List<IProducer<?>> producerImplementations = lookUpProducers();
List<IEvaluator> evaluatorImplementations = lookUpEvaluators();
IProducer<?> producer = producerImplementations.get(0);
IEvaluator evaluator = evaluatorImplementations.get(0);
// Notice that this class should NOT know what actually comes from
// producers (besides that is comparable)
// Lines below changed
Map<Integer, ? extends Comparable<?>> ranks = producer.getResults();
double score = evaluator.evaluate(ranks, groundTruth);
System.out.printf("Score is %.2f\n", score);
该死的东西甚至不会编译,说:绑定不匹配:IEvaluator 类型的通用方法评估(地图,地图)不适用于参数(地图>,地图)。推断类型 capture#3-of ? extends Comparable 不是有界参数的有效替代品 >
这对我来说完全很奇怪。如果我调用 evaluator.evaluate(producer.getResults(), groundTruth),代码就可以工作。但是,如果我首先调用 producer.getResults() 方法,并将其存储到一个变量中,然后使用该变量 (evaluator.evaluate(ranks, groundTruth)) 调用评估方法,我会得到编译错误(不管该变量的类型)。