this question is kind-of programming related but not exactly - see how we go...

I am trying to view a trip i have made using a gps tracking device onto google maps as one continuous line, however, when i upload the KML file onto google maps it is arbitrarily broken into about 7 different segments.

The trip was made in one go and when shown in google earth it is shown as one continuous line.

I have inspected the KML file and all coordinates are contained within the same single linestring element.

Does anyone know why this is occuring?

Regards Grant.


1 回答 1


看起来其他人遇到了与您相同的问题,但我无法找到解决方案。看来这只是 Google Maps KML 解析器中的一个错误。

如果您不介意使用Google Maps API创建自己的地图,您应该可以毫无问题地解析文件。还有一些像这样的网站会根据您的 KML 文件创建地图。

于 2009-08-05T16:30:48.690 回答