我是苹果脚本的新手,我有一个简单的苹果脚本,它在下面 -

display dialog "Enter Your User Name:" default answer ""
set theUser to the text returned of the result


if theUser = "" then
    display dialog "User name is mandatory" buttons {"OK"} with title "Missing parameter" with icon "stop"
    set theError to button returned of the result
    if theError is "OK" then quit
end if

但是Resource wasn't found.当检查条件时它会给我一个错误弹出窗口if。我有尝试theUser is in {"",value missing}等,theUser is missing value但这些也不起作用。这里有什么问题?


1 回答 1



display dialog "Enter Your User Name:" default answer ""
set theUser to the text returned of the result

if theUser = "" then
    display dialog "User name is mandatory" buttons {"OK"} default button {"OK"} cancel button {"OK"} with title "Missing parameter" with icon stop
end if
于 2012-08-29T17:10:43.210 回答