Vehicle, Name, Property, Value
Car, VW, Tires, 4
Car, VW, Doors, 4
Car, Porsche, Tires, 4
Car, Porsche, Doors, 2
Car, Porsche, Color, Red
Plane, A340, Tires, 12
Plane, A340, Color, White
Plane, A750, Doors, 6
Forklift, ABC345, Color, Orange
... and so on
我想以 JSON 的形式返回它:
"Car" : {
"VW":{ "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "4"},
"Porsche":{ "Tires" : "4", "Doors": "2" }
"A340":{ "Tires" : "12", "Color" : "White" },
"A750":{ "Doors" : "6" }
"Forklift" : {
"ABC345": { "Color" : "Orange" }
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>
但老实说,我不知道如何正确设置它。当我遍历列表并写入 HashMap 时,Property 和 Value 总是被覆盖,所以我的结果如下所示:
"Car" : {
"Porsche":{ "Tires" : "4" }
"A750":{ "Doors" : "6" }
"Forklift" : {
"ABC345": { "Color" : "Orange" }
HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>> vehiclesData = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>();
for( VehicleReportRow vehicleReportRow : unpreparedRows ){
String vehicle = vehicleReportRow.getVehicle();
String name = vehicleReportRow.getName();
String property = vehicleReportRow.getProperty();
String value = vehicleReportRow.getValue();
//the most inner dataset
HashMap<String,String> propAndVal = new HashMap<String, String>();
propAndVal.put(property, value);
//the middle dataset
HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>> nameToProps = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String,String>>();
nameToProps.put(name, propAndVal);
//and finally the outer dataset
vehiclesData.put(vehicle, nameToProps);