基本上我创建了这个脚本来检查文件是否存在然后创建它。在我拥有它的非 OOP 版本之前,它运行良好。
现在我将它修改为 OOP 并且不知何故它不起作用,我在 Apache PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function createFile() in C:\Program Files (x86)\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\Proj11\ 1.php在第66行
我突出显示了第 66 行与该行所在的位置//// THE ERROR LINE BELOW
//DB Config File
$phase = $_GET['phase'];
if(empty ($phase)){
$phase = new phase1();
} elseif ($phase = 1) {
$phase = new phase2();
class phase1 {
function __construct () {
$dbFile = 'dbconfig.php';
$step = 0;
$username = $_GET['username'];
$password = $_GET['password'];
$server = $_GET['server'];
$dbName = $_GET['dbName'];
$this->step = $step;
$this->dbFile = $dbFile;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->server = $server;
$this->dbName = $dbName;
$db = new PDO ('mysql:host=' .$server.';dbname='.$this->dbName,$this->username,$this->password);
$this->db = $db;
public function createFile () {
//Creates File and populates it.
$fOpen = fopen($this->dbFile, 'w');
$fString .= "<?php\n";
$fString .= "// Database Constants\n";
$fString .= "\$DB_SERVER =" . "\"" . $this->server . "\";\n";
$fString .= "\$DB_USER =" . "\"" . $this->username . "\";\n";
$fString .= "\$DB_PASS =" . "\"" . $this->password . "\";\n";
$fString .= "\$DB_NAME =". "\"" . $this->dbName . "\";\n";
$fString .= "?>";
fwrite($fOpen, $fString);
return true;
public function start (){
try {
if ($this->db) { //if succesful at connecting to the DB
if (file_exists($this->dbFile)){
if (is_readable($this->dbFile) && is_writable($this->dbFile)){
//Creates File, populates it and redirects the user
if (createFile()) {
$phase = new phase2();
exit ();
} else {
echo "The file {$dbFile} cannot be accessed. Please configure the file manualy or grant Write and Read permission."; }
} else {
//Creates File, populates it and redirects the user
if (createFile()) {
$phase = new phase2();
exit ();
} catch (PDOException $e) { //Catchs error if can't connect to the db.
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
} // en class Phase 1