我们正在构建一个用于 Java 字节码程序的平均案例运行时分析的工具。其中一部分是测量实际运行时间。因此,我们将采用任意的、用户提供的方法,该方法可能有也可能没有结果,可能有也可能没有副作用(例如快速排序、阶乘、虚拟嵌套循环……)并执行它(使用反射),测量经过的时间。(我们是否正确地进行基准测试并不重要。)

在基准测试代码中,我们显然不对结果做任何事情(有些方法甚至没有结果)。因此,不知道 JIT 可能会做什么,事实上我们观察到它似乎有时会优化整个基准方法调用。由于基准测试方法在现实中并不是孤立地使用的,这使得基准测试毫无用处。

我们如何防止 JIT 这样做呢?我们不想完全关闭它,因为基准测试需要很长时间,并且无论如何我们都希望对“真实”运行时进行基准测试(因此我们希望 JIT 在方法中处于活动状态

我知道这个问题,但给定的场景太窄了;我们不知道结果类型(如果有的话),因此不能以 JIT 认为没有用的某种方式使用结果。


3 回答 3



有许多技巧可以混淆 JIT,但这些都不太可能对您有所帮助。

这是一个基准示例,其中该方法通过反射、MethodHandle 调用并编译为空。

import java.lang.invoke.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable {
        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {

    private static void testViaReflection() throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
        Method nothing = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("nothing");
        int runs = 10000000; // triggers a warmup.
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        Object[] args = new Object[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
            nothing.invoke(null, args);
        long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
        System.out.printf("A call to %s took an average of %.1f ns using reflection%n", nothing.getName(), 1.0 * time / runs);

    private static void testViaMethodHandle() throws Throwable {
        MethodHandle nothing = MethodHandles.lookup().unreflect(Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("nothing"));
        int runs = 10000000; // triggers a warmup.
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
        long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
        System.out.printf("A call to %s took an average of %.1f ns using MethodHandle%n", "nothing", 1.0 * time / runs);

    private static void testWithoutReflection() {
        int runs = 10000000; // triggers a warmup.
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
        long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
        System.out.printf("A call to %s took an average of %.1f ns without reflection%n", "nothing", 1.0 * time / runs);

    public static void nothing() {
        // does nothing.


A call to nothing took an average of 6.6 ns using reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 10.7 ns using MethodHandle
A call to nothing took an average of 0.4 ns without reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 4.5 ns using reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 9.1 ns using MethodHandle
A call to nothing took an average of 0.0 ns without reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 4.3 ns using reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 8.8 ns using MethodHandle
A call to nothing took an average of 0.0 ns without reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 5.4 ns using reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 13.2 ns using MethodHandle
A call to nothing took an average of 0.0 ns without reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 4.9 ns using reflection
A call to nothing took an average of 8.7 ns using MethodHandle
A call to nothing took an average of 0.0 ns without reflection

我曾假设 MethodHandles 比反射更快,但事实并非如此。

于 2012-08-29T10:48:08.853 回答

我不相信有任何方法可以选择性地禁用 JIT 优化,除了一些实验性的优化(如逃逸分析)。




于 2012-08-29T10:54:31.303 回答

基准测试的目的是尽可能接近实际性能,所以我看不出你会在这里获得什么。如果您怀疑 JIT 会做某些事情,并且您不想在正常使用中实际禁用它,那么最好的办法是使用该假设构建基准。如果有办法编写基准测试来强调它并使其在 JIT 下表现不佳,那也可能很有用,因为在分析器下运行基准测试将有助于确定它何时会降低效率。

于 2012-08-29T11:01:27.920 回答