我想像这样使用custome FaultException

public class Fault
    public string Message { get; set; }

public class MyFault<T>:FaultException<T> where T : Fault
     public MyFault(T faultClass)
        : base(faultClass, new FaultReason(faultClass.Message))



throw new MyFault<Fault>(new Fault {Message = "hello"});



string GetData2(int value);

但是当它到达客户端时,它会转换为 FaultException

            var res = serv.GetData2(1);
        catch (MyFault<WcfService1Sample.Fault> ex)
            label1.Text = ex.Reason.ToString(); //-> i want here
        catch (FaultException<ServiceReference1.Fault> ex)
            label1.Text = ex.Reason.ToString(); //-> catch here
        catch (Exception)


我可以在 clint 上发现自定义错误吗?或 WCF 自动将其转换为 FaultException 我如何解决此问题

谢谢 kfir


1 回答 1


There are two issues, I think. First:

  • What shambulator said: Your custom Fault class must be
    • a DataContract, and use
    • DataMember to mark all properties that shall be serialized.

If this is done, then WCF will

  • translate a service-side throw new FaultException<MyFault>(new MyFault { ... }); into a message which contains your fault, including the data; and
  • translate this fault on the client-side to a FaultException<MyFault>.


This client-side FaultException<> is generated by WCF. Maybe one can register a custom Exception-Translator, but I have never used it, never needed it, and not found such a thing after a one-minute Google search. I'd recommend just going with the FaultException plus custom Fault-type.

于 2012-08-29T09:57:16.343 回答