播放以下 RTSP 插件时出现“分段错误”错误:

./TEST "( v4l2src always-copy=FALSE input-src=composite ! video/x-raw-yuv,format=\(fourcc\)NV12, width=320,height=240 ! queue ! dmaiaccel ! dmaienc_h264 encodingpreset=2 ratecontrol=2 intraframeinterval=23 idrinterval=46 targetbitrate=1000000 ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )"

TEST 是来自 rtsp 示例的测试启动应用程序。我收到以下错误:

davinci_resizer davinci_resizer.2: RSZ_G_CONFIG:0:1:124
vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: IPIPE Chained
vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: Resizer present
tvp514x 1-005d: tvp5146 (Version - 0x03) found at 0xba (DaVinci I2C adapter)
vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: dma_alloc_coherent size 7168000 failed
Segmentation fault




1 回答 1


See vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: dma_alloc_coherent size 7168000 failed

memory allocation has failed somewhere in your capture driver. This question is better suited for TI's e2e list, no? I don't think this ia a gstreamer generic issue but issue specific to the embedded hardware.

Why don't you get a simple filesrc ! h264parse ! rtph264pay pipeline up first and then slowly make it more and more complicated. [replace bitstream with yuv and do encoding, then add the capture]

于 2012-08-29T06:09:32.343 回答