我相信我可能在 中发现了一个错误NSDateFormatter
一个完整的项目在这里:http ://www.idanfe.com/dl/nsDateFormatterPuzzle.zip
NSArray *unformattedDatesArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"2011-09-18",
@"2011-10-16",@"2011-11-13",@"2011-12-11",@"2012-01-08",@"2012-02-05", nil];
NSString *resultedString = @"";
int ii = 0;
NSUInteger items = [unformattedDatesArray count];
for (ii=0; ii<items; ii++) {
NSLog(@"original item # %d = %@",ii,[unformattedDatesArray objectAtIndex:ii]);
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:@"original item # "];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d = ",ii]];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:[unformattedDatesArray objectAtIndex:ii]];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n"]];
NSDateFormatter *originalFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[originalFormat setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; // hh:mm:ss
NSDateFormatter *newFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[newFormat setDateFormat:@"dd/MM/yyyy"]; // hh:mm:ss
NSString *formattedDate;
for (ii=0; ii<items; ii++) {
formattedDate = [newFormat stringFromDate:[originalFormat
dateFromString:[unformattedDatesArray objectAtIndex:ii]]];
NSLog(@"formatted item # %d = %@",ii,formattedDate);
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:@"formatted item # "];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d = ",ii]];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:(formattedDate == nil ? @"ERROR" : formattedDate)];
resultedString = [resultedString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n"]];
[resultingStringTextView insertText:resultedString];
代表日期的 5 s 数组开始。我正在创建 2 NSDateFormatter
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 0 = 2011-09-18
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 1 = 2011-10-16
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 2 = 2011-11-13
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 3 = 2011-12-11
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 4 = 2012-01-08
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] original item # 5 = 2012-02-05
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 0 = 18/09/2011
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 1 = (null)
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 2 = 13/11/2011
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 3 = 11/12/2011
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 4 = 08/01/2012
2012-08-26 nsDateFormatterPuzzle[3261:303] formatted item # 5 = 05/02/2012
请注意,如果您转到系统偏好设置 --> 日期和时间 --> 时区
================================= 尝试解决方法=============== =====================
我正在尝试解决这个错误,同时 Apple 没有修复它。
我有两个问题,一个是从这个日期开始渲染一个 PDF 文件,我想我已经通过以下方式解决了这个问题:
if (formated_issue_date == NULL) {
formated_issue_date = [BHDateFormatter bhDateFormat:data_emissao];
+(NSString*)bhDateFormat:(NSString *)inputedDate{
NSString *formattedDate = @"";
NSRange range82 = NSMakeRange (8, 2);
NSRange range52 = NSMakeRange (5, 2);
NSRange range04 = NSMakeRange (0, 4);
NSString *firstBlock = [inputedDate substringWithRange:range82];
NSString *secondBlock = [inputedDate substringWithRange:range52];
NSString *thirdBlock = [inputedDate substringWithRange:range04];
formattedDate = [formattedDate stringByAppendingString:firstBlock];
formattedDate = [formattedDate stringByAppendingString:@"/"];
formattedDate = [formattedDate stringByAppendingString:secondBlock];
formattedDate = [formattedDate stringByAppendingString:@"/"];
formattedDate = [formattedDate stringByAppendingString:thirdBlock];
return formattedDate;
使用与我的处理程序相同的原理,并坚持传递 16/10/2011 日期会导致表格视图出现错误,例如:-[__NSCFString timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x40265f3a0
if (formatterDate == NULL) {
NSLog (@"outprintString '%@' = NULL", dateString);
NSString *newDate = [BHDateFormatter bhDateFormat:dateString];
if ([newDate isEqualToString:@"16/10/2011"]) {
formatterDate = [inputFormatter dateFromString:@"2011-10-17"];
NSLog(@"formatterDate = %@", formatterDate);
NSAlert *alert = [[[NSAlert alloc]init] autorelease];
[alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Mountain Lion Bug: I have found a date \"16/10/2011\" in your invoice # %@ issued by %@, I must rename the date in your table view to \"17/10/2011\", the date on the rendered invoice file will be display correctly. I apologize for this, but it is an operating system level bug that has to be fixed by Apple.","A comment here"),invoiceNumber, emitente]];
[alert runModal];