I'm working on a jQuery slider. Currently, the images are fading out, and then the next image in the slider fades in. But what I would need, is the images the be fading into each other. So I won't see the page background during the transition.
Here's my jQuery code :
$('.slider .slide:first').addClass('active').fadeIn(900);
function rotate(index) {
$('.slider .slide.active').removeClass('active').fadeOut(900, function() {
$('.slider .slide:eq(' + index + ')').addClass('active').fadeIn(900);
$('.slider-nav li').click(function() {
var index = $(this).index('li');
timer=setInterval(go, 5000);
return false;
$('.slider-nav li:first').click();
var timer=setInterval(go, 5000);
function go() {
var $next = $('.slider-nav li.active').next();
if ($next.length == 0){
$next = $('.slider-nav li:first');
Any idea? Thank you!