我看到了许多 Unzip 文件夹操作,但实际上没有人编写适合 Fonts 文件夹情况的解决方案。所以我自己写了!事实证明,Fonts 文件夹确实实现了 Shell.Folder.CopyHere 方法,但不支持为该方法的第二个参数传递的任何重载。为什么?谁知道!我怀疑'The Old new Thing' Windows Developer blog 的 Raymond Chen 可以解释它,但我不知道答案。因此,我们需要在尝试复制它们之前智能地查找我们的字体,否则我们会收到一条讨厌的消息。
在我的代码中,我们通过使用通配符搜索检查字体名称的前四个字符是否匹配来检查字体是否存在。如果字体不存在,我们假设这是我们第一次在这个系统上安装字体并设置一个名为 $FirstInstall 的特殊标志。
从那时起,在脚本中,如果 $FirstInstall 为 true,我们将在源字体目录中安装所有字体。在随后的执行中,我们检查每个字体是否匹配,如果是,我们中止该副本。如果没有,我们继续复制。到目前为止,这似乎对我的大多数客户都有效。
Script to quietly handle the installation of fonts from a network source to a system
We Can't just move files into the %windir%\Fonts directory with a script, as a simple copy paste from command line doesn't trigger windows to note the new font
If we used that approach, the files would exist within the directory, but the font files woudln't be registered in windows, nor would applications
display the new font for use. Instead, we can make a new object of the Shell.Application type (effectively an invisible Windows Explorer Windows) and use its Copy method
Which is the functional equivalent of dragging an dropping font files into the Font folder, which does trigger the font to be installed the same as if you right clicked the font
and choose install.
The path of a folder where fonts reside on the network
.\Install-Fonts.ps1 -FontPath "\\corp\fileshare\Scripts\Fonts"
Installing font...C:\temp\Noto\NotoSans-Bold.ttf
Installing font...C:\temp\Noto\NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttf
Installing font...C:\temp\Noto\NotoSans-Italic.ttf
Installing font...C:\temp\Noto\NotoSans-Regular.ttf
In this case, the fonts are copied from the network down to the system and installed silently, minus the logging seen here
import files needed for step 1, step 2, and step 5 of the migration process.
.\Install-Fonts.ps1 -FontPath "\\corp\fileshare\Scripts\Fonts"
Font already exists, skipping
Font already exists, skipping
Font already exists, skipping
Font already exists, skipping
In this case, the fonts already existed on the system. Rather than display an annoying 'Overwrite font' dialog, we simply abort the copy and try the next file
Console output
CREATED: 06/11/2015
Author: sowen@ivision.com
Author: sowen@ivision.com -Reserved...
#0x14 is a special system folder pointer to the path where fonts live, and is needed below.
$FONTS = 0x14
#Make a refrence to Shell.Application
$objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$objFolder = $objShell.Namespace($FONTS)
ForEach ($font in (dir $fontsPath -Recurse -Include *.ttf,*.otf)){
#check for existing font (to suppress annoying 'do you want to overwrite' dialog box
if ((($objShell.NameSpace($FONTS).Items() | where Name -like "$($font.BaseName.Split('-')[0].substring(0,4))*") | measure).Count -eq 0){
$firstInstall = $true}
if ($firstInstall -ne $true) {Write-Output "Font already exists, skipping"}
Write-Output "Installing font...$($font.FullName)"
$firstInstall = $true
.\Install-Fonts.ps1 -FontPath "\\corp\fileshare\Scripts\Fonts"