例如,如果我有一条像 00010101 这样的指令,并且我将它放在 ram 中供程序访问,我如何能够在不使用 OS 函数的情况下以汇编语言执行该指令?我正在将 Fasm 用于英特尔。谢谢。

编辑:我知道这是非常糟糕的代码,我什至还没有组装它,我知道很多都是错误的,但请记住这是出于学习目的。这是加载带有二进制指令的文件并将其存储在 ram 中的代码部分。我再一次知道这很糟糕。

    mov dx, 1F7h
    in dx, bl
    bt bl, 6    ;this reads the sixth bit of bl and stores it in the carry flag(cf)

    cmp cf, 1   ;if bit 6 is one, then the hard drive is signaling that it is ready for the next operation
    jz loadkernel
    clc ;clear carry flag

    mov eax, 300h
    mov ecx, eax    ;copy the starting point of the kernel in memory to ecx
    mov ebx, 0  ;clear
    mov edx, 0  ;clear

    mov bl, 1F4h
    out ebx, bl ;give the hard drive the low address of the location of the kernel
    mov bl, 1F5h
    out 0h, bl      ;give the hard drive the high address of the location of the kernel

    mov bl, 1F0h

    in edx, bl   ;read the hard drive
    mov [eax], edx   ;add kernel data to memory
    add eax, 1

    inc ebx     ;move the hard drive reading head thing forward

    mov ip, [eax]   ;mov the instruction pointer to memory, so that the computer excecutes the kernel

    cmp edx, 0AA55h
    jz beginload    ;if 0AA55h is not at the end, then read the next data of the kernel.

2 回答 2


根据您的执行环境,您可能必须为您的程序禁用(大多数)操作系统的 Execute-Disable 安全性。这是为了使易受攻击的程序更难注入代码。如果您在独立环境(如 DOS 或您自己的内核)中运行,则无需担心。


mov ax,0x9090 //0x90 is opcode for NOP
mov [code],ax
jmp  foo //this is a 2-byte opcode (so long as it does the "correct" behavior and generate a relative jmp

hlt //this will get executed "magically"

//won't get here
于 2012-08-28T16:11:53.747 回答


于 2012-08-28T15:47:23.503 回答