I had copyed the data folder under wamp/bin/mysql/mysql(v)/data befor formate my computer, then after installing new os and then wamp I replace the data folder. Now when I opening phpmyadmin the list of databases are showing but under the data base the tables are not shownig. When I am using the myadminer it shows the lisst of table but not the tables data.

when I am using sqlbuddy one warning is showing in the place of listing tables. warning is like

Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in E:\wamp\apps\sqlbuddy1.3.3\dboverview.php on line 215

2 回答 2


您应该进行适当的备份 - 使用 mysqldump。如果你使用了 innodb 存储引擎,并且它被配置为将日志文件或表空间文件保存在其他地方——恐怕你已经丢失了数据。

于 2012-08-28T15:13:31.533 回答

对不起,您丢失了数据。将来经常创建备份并在您想要迁移数据库时创建 MySQL 转储。

于 2012-08-28T15:40:13.920 回答