我有一个 VB6 应用程序,我想在其中操作在文本框中输出的字符串的某些部分。

txtPhoneNums.Text = "Home:  " + strHomeNo + vbCrLf _
                    + "Mobile: " + strMobileNo + vbCrLf + "Work:  " + strWorkNo + vbCrLf

它嵌套在执行各种验证的 if 语句中。例如,我希望能够在上面的代码片段中以红色和粗体字突出显示单词“Work”和附加的字符串值“strWorkNo”。我可以在不创建多个文本框的情况下轻松做到这一点(并将其他两个值保留为默认外观吗?)




1 回答 1


您想使用 RichTextBox。我建议您不要尝试使用富文本格式 (RTF) 本身,而是使用标准方法。


Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    WritePhoneNums "01020239", "07749383", "0234394349"
End Sub

Private Sub WritePhoneNums(ByRef strHomeNo As String, ByRef strMobileNo As String, ByRef strWorkNo As String)

    Dim nPosBeginningOfWorkNo As Long
    Dim nPosCurrent As Long

    txtPhoneNums.TextRTF = vbNullString ' Clear existing code.

    ' Clear style to default.
    ApplyNormalStyle txtPhoneNums

    ' Enter standard text. The selection will be at the end of the text when finished.
    txtPhoneNums.SelText = "Home:  " + strHomeNo + vbCrLf _
                         & "Mobile: " + strMobileNo + vbCrLf + "Work:  "

    ' Save the cursor position, write the work number, and then save the cursor position again.
    nPosBeginningOfWorkNo = txtPhoneNums.SelStart
    txtPhoneNums.SelText = strWorkNo
    nPosCurrent = txtPhoneNums.SelStart

    ' From this information, select the preceding text, and make it "selected".
    txtPhoneNums.SelStart = nPosBeginningOfWorkNo
    txtPhoneNums.SelLength = nPosCurrent - nPosBeginningOfWorkNo
    ApplyHighlightedStyle txtPhoneNums

    ' Reset the selection to the end, and reset the text style.
    txtPhoneNums.SelStart = nPosCurrent
    txtPhoneNums.SelLength = 0
    ApplyNormalStyle txtPhoneNums

    txtPhoneNums.SelText = vbCrLf

End Sub

Private Sub ApplyNormalStyle(ByRef txt As RichTextBox)
    txt.SelBold = False
    txt.SelColor = vbBlack
End Sub

Private Sub ApplyHighlightedStyle(ByRef txt As RichTextBox)
    txt.SelBold = True
    txt.SelColor = vbRed
End Sub
于 2012-08-28T15:28:33.307 回答