I'm writing a tkinter GUI (my first one) and it is to colate data from user inputs.
anyway the way I'm doing that is as follows
from Tkinter import *
root = Tk()
textoutput = []
textbox = Entry(root, width = 5)
textinput = []
x = 0
offset = 0
yco = 40
press = 0
textbox.place(x = 10, y = yco + offset)
def addtextbox():
global textinput, x, yco, offset, press, textbox
offset = offset + 30
txtinput = textbox.get()
textbox = Entry(root, width = 5)
textbox.place(x = 10, y = yco + offset)
add = Button(root, text = "Add box", width = 10, command = addtextbox)
add.place(x = 225, y = 5)
The problem I'm having is that it gets to a certain point when there are too many text boxes to see and I need a scroll bar. I've tried using some sample code from effbot.org and some other places that I've googled but all they seem to do is scroll the background and not the text boxes themselves.
Any ideas ?