我有两个功能。第一个是检查所有输入元素以确保它们被正确填充的那个。每件事都运行良好,但随着第二个函数开始起作用(第二个函数 'newInput()' 添加输入),第一个函数不能再应用了。
调试器说 atpositionSec = emailSec.indexOf("@") 中的 emailSec 未定义。
<--!The HTML-->
<form method="post" action="" id="cms" name="cms" onSubmit="return error()">
<tbody id="myInput">
<label>Role:<span> *</span></label>
<input type="text" name="role" id="role" value="" class="required span3" role="input" aria-required="true" />
<label>Email:<span> *</span></label>
<input type="email" name="emailSec" id="emailSec" value="" class="required span3" role="input" aria-required="true" />
<button style="height: 20px;" title='Add' onclick='newInput()'></button>
<input type="hidden" name="count" id="count" vale=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Save Changes" name="submit" id="submitButton" title="Click here!" />
function error()
var emailSec = document.forms['cms']['emailSec'].value,
role = document.forms['cms']['role'].value,
atpositionSec = emailSec.indexOf("@"),
dotpositionSec = emailSec.lastIndexOf(".");
if( topicSec == '' || topicSec == null)
alert ("Write your Topic!");
return false;
else if(role == '' || role == null)
alert ("Enter the Role of the email owner!");
return false;
else if(emailSec == '' || emailSec == null || atpositionSec < 1 || dotpositionSec < atpositionSec+2 || dotpositionSec+2 >= emailSec.length)
alert ("Enter a valid Email!");
return false;
else return true;
//The Javascript - Adding Inputs
var i = 1,
function newInput()
document.getElementById("myInput").insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeEnd', "<tr><td><input type='text' name='role" + i + "' id='role' value='' class='required span3' role='input' aria-required='true' /></td><td><input type='email' name='emailSec" + i + "' id='emailSec' value='' class='required span3' role='input' aria-required='true' /></td><td><button style='height: 20px;' title='Remove' onclick='del(this)'></button></td></tr>");
count = i;
document.forms["cms"]["count"].value = count;
// Removing Inputs
function del(field)
document.forms["cms"]["count"].value = count;
field.parentNode.parentNode.outerHTML = "";