I've got a few collections of items. All items has the same type:
public class ItemType
public string Name {get;set;}
Some of items are "favorites". They are the same, but I store them in a separate collection. I have a goup of items class:
public class ItemsGroup
public List<ItemType> Items {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
So, some items are in one group, and some items are in "favorites" group. (Title = "Favorives".
Also, I have a page with a <GridView>
. I want to set different data tempates according to group. (BigItem and SmallItem for example). I can achieve that by adding an extra field to ItemType
public enum GroupType { Fav, Other; }
public class ItemType
public string Name {get;set;}
public GroupType Type {get; set;}
and select data template in DataTemplateSelector
protected override DataTemplate SelectTemplateCore(object item, DependencyObject container)
var x = item as ItemType;
if(x != null)
if(x.Type == GroupType.Fav) return FavDataTemplate;
return DefaultDataTemplate;
But I don't want to add extra fields to ItemType, because it's a shared class (wp7, winrt ect).
I saw a similar question , but I have the same problems.
Is there any way to select data template by group?