我正在尝试设置一个可以同时上传到 YouTube 和 Vimeo 的表单。我更喜欢使用 Posterous.com 来做类似的事情,但自从他们被 twitter 收购后,他们的帮助团队已经从地球上消失了,因为我的电子邮件现在没有得到回复(他们已经删除了一堆服务)...

所以无论如何,这是 youtube 进程应该如何工作的:

  1. 为要通过网络表单上传的视频设置标题和类别
  2. 提交表单,从 youtube 取回访问令牌
  3. 生成另一个表单,允许您选择要上传的文件
  4. 提交表单、访问令牌和文件已发送,YouTube 上传视频


  1. 将文件拖放到页面上
  2. javascript抓取文件信息,将文件名设置为视频标题并使用默认类别
  3. javascript调用php并将文件名和类别发送到youtube,获取访问令牌并使用文件输入创建表单
  4. 获取令牌后,发送 POST(通过 PHP)请求,文件上传存储在会话变量中(现在我必须再次选择文件并单击提交)

我不应该能够使用第一步中的文件信息,将其存储在会话变量中并通过 php 以编程方式提交令牌和文件信息吗?我不知道如何发送这些数据,就像它作为表单提交一样发送,而且我并不总是从 youtube 获取响应代码来修复我的代码。

这可能是我需要的答案:通过 curl 发送 xml 和标头,但我不知道如何设置$xmlString$videoData


我想我需要通过 PHP 而不是 javascript 来做到这一点,因为我正在尝试修改以下代码:

 * Create upload form by sending the incoming video meta-data to youtube and
 * retrieving a new entry. Prints form HTML to page.
 * @param string $VideoTitle The title for the video entry.
 * @param string $VideoDescription The description for the video entry.
 * @param string $VideoCategory The category for the video entry.
 * @param string $nextUrl (optional) The URL to redirect back to after form upload has completed.
 * @return void

function createUploadForm($videoTitle, $videoCategory, $nextUrl = null) {
$httpClient = getAuthSubHttpClient();
$youTubeService = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient);
$newVideoEntry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry();


//make sure first character in category is capitalized
$videoCategory = strtoupper(substr($videoCategory, 0, 1))
    . substr($videoCategory, 1);

// convert videoTags from whitespace separated into comma separated

$tokenHandlerUrl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/action/GetUploadToken';
try {
    $tokenArray = $youTubeService->getFormUploadToken($newVideoEntry, $tokenHandlerUrl);
    if (loggingEnabled()) {
        logMessage($httpClient->getLastRequest(), 'request');
        logMessage($httpClient->getLastResponse()->getBody(), 'response');
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
    print 'ERROR ' . $httpException->getMessage()
        . ' HTTP details<br /><textarea cols="100" rows="20">'
        . $httpException->getRawResponseBody()
        . '</textarea><br />'
        . '<a href="session_details.php">'
        . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />';
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
    print 'ERROR - Could not retrieve token for syndicated upload. '
        . $e->getMessage()
        . '<br /><a href="session_details.php">'
        . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />';

$tokenValue = $tokenArray['token'];
$postUrl = $tokenArray['url'];

// place to redirect user after upload
if (!$nextUrl) {
    $nextUrl = $_SESSION['homeUrl'];

//instead of echoing the form below, send $_FILES from previous form submit

print <<< END
    <br />      

    <form id="uploadToYouTubeForm" action="${postUrl}?nexturl=${nextUrl}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input id="uploadToYouTube" name="file" type="file" />
    <input name="token" type="hidden" value="${tokenValue}"/>
    <input value="Upload Video File" type="submit" />


1 回答 1



<!--removing the action ensures form will be sent via javascript, then when that request comes back, I can add in the authenticated youtube URL needed-->
<form id="upload" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="form-horizontal"><!--upload.php-->
    <legend><h1>Video File Upload</h1></legend>
    <input type="hidden" id="MAX_FILE_SIZE" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000" /> <!--1GB-->
    <p id="filedrag">Drag and drop a video file from your computer here. Or use the 'File upload' button below.</p><!--dragFileHere-->
    <label class="control-label" for="fileselect">Files to upload:</label>
    <input type="file" id="fileselect" name="fileselect[]" /> <!--multiple="multiple"-->
    <button class="btn" id="submitbutton" type="submit">Upload Files</button> <!--hidden via js/css-->
    <div class="progress progress-striped active">
      <div class="bar" style="width: 0%;"></div>
    <label class="hide" for="video-title">Title</label>
    <input type="text" id="video-title" class="span4" placeholder="Video Title"/>
    <label class="control-label" for="video-category">Category</label>
    <select id="video-category" name="videoCategory" class="span4">
      <option value="Autos">Autos &amp; Vehicles</option>
      <option value="Music">Music</option>
      <option value="Entertainment" selected>Entertainment</option>
    <input id="token" type="text" placeholder="token"/> <!--will be hidden-->

通过将 action 属性留空(并使用我已经准备好的脚本来响应用户交互),我可以确保表单是通过 javascript 以编程方式提交的:

<script src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js></script>
<script src=_js/video_app.js" type="text/javascript></script>
  filedrag.js - HTML5 File Drag & Drop demonstration
  Featured on SitePoint.com
  Developed by Craig Buckler (@craigbuckler) of OptimalWorks.net (without jQuery)

  // output information
  function Output(msg) {
    $('#messages').html(msg + $('#messages').html());

  // file drag hover
  function FileDragHover(e) {

  function FileDragOut(e) {

  // file selection
  function FileSelectHandler(e) {
    // cancel event and hover styling

    // fetch FileList object
    var files = e.target.files || e.dataTransfer.files;
    // process all File objects
    for (var i = 0, f; f = files[i]; i++) {
      ParseFile(f); //prints file data to div and optionally displays content of selected file
      UploadFile(f); //uploads file to server

  // output file information
  function ParseFile(file) {
    videoName = file.name;
    videoType = file.type;
    videoURL = "http://localhost/"+videoName;
    videoCategory = $('#video-category').val();

      "</strong> type: <strong>" + file.type +
      "</strong> size: <strong>" + file.size +
      "</strong> bytes</p>"

    // sets a default value because a title is needed for youtube to send response  
    if( $('#video-title').val() == $('#video-title').attr('placeholder') ) {

    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function(e) {

      var fileContents = e.target.result;

        '<img src="'+e.target.result+'"/>'

    //get upload token
    ytVideoApp.prepareSyndicatedUpload(videoName, videoCategory);

  // upload video files
  function UploadFile(file) {       
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    if (xhr.upload && file.size <= $('#MAX_FILE_SIZE').val()) { //&& file.type == "video/mp4" or video/*
      xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(e) {
        var pc = Math.ceil(e.loaded / e.total * 100);
      }, false);
      // file received/failed
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
        if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
          if(xhr.status == 200) { //success

          } else { //fail  

      // start upload
      xhr.open("POST", 'upload.php', true); //$("#upload").attr('action')
      xhr.setRequestHeader("X_FILENAME", file.name);

  // initialize
  function Init() {
    // file select
    // is XHR2 available?
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    if (xhr.upload) {
      // file drop
      $('#filedrag').bind('dragover', FileDragHover);
      $('#filedrag').bind('dragleave', FileDragOut);

      //I can't get the below line to work, so I've used the ugly fallback
      //$('#filedrag').bind('drop', FileSelectHandler);
      document.getElementById('filedrag').addEventListener("drop", FileSelectHandler, false);           

      filedrag.style.display = "block";
      // remove submit button
      submitbutton.style.display = "none";
  // call initialization file
  if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader) {


* Zend Framework
* @package    Zend_Gdata
* provides namespacing for the YouTube Video Application PHP version (ytVideoApp)
var ytVideoApp = {};
* Sends an AJAX request to the server to retrieve a list of videos or
* the video player/metadata.  Sends the request to the specified filePath
* on the same host, passing the specified params, and filling the specified
* resultDivName with the resutls upon success.
* @param {String} filePath The path to which the request should be sent
* @param {String} params The URL encoded POST params
* @param {String} resultDivName The name of the DIV used to hold the results
ytVideoApp.sendRequest = function(filePath, params, resultDivName) {
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
    var xmlhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else {
    var xmlhr = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');

  xmlhr.open('POST', filePath);
  xmlhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); 

  xmlhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    var resultDiv = document.getElementById(resultDivName);
    if (xmlhr.readyState == 1) {
      resultDiv.innerHTML = '<b>Loading...</b>'; 
    } else if (xmlhr.readyState == 4 && xmlhr.status == 200) {
      if (xmlhr.responseText) {
        resultDiv.innerHTML = xmlhr.responseText;
    } else if (xmlhr.readyState == 4) {
      alert('Invalid response received - Status: ' + xmlhr.status);

ytVideoApp.prepareSyndicatedUpload = function(videoTitle, videoCategory, fileContents) {    
  var filePath = '_scripts/operations.php';
  var params = 'operation=create_upload_form' +
    '&videoTitle=' + videoTitle +
    '&videoCategory=' + videoCategory;
  ytVideoApp.sendRequest(filePath, params, ytVideoApp.SYNDICATED_UPLOAD_DIV);


require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
 * The main controller logic.
 * POST used for all authenticated requests
 * otherwise use GET for retrieve and supplementary values

if (!isset($_POST['operation'])) {
  // if a GET variable is set then process the token upgrade
  if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
  } else {
    if (loggingEnabled()) {
      logMessage('reached operations.php without $_POST or $_GET variables set', 'error');
      header('Location: add-content.php');

$operation = $_POST['operation'];

switch ($operation) {
  case 'create_upload_form':

function createUploadForm($videoTitle, $videoCategory, $nextUrl = null) {
  $httpClient = getAuthSubHttpClient();
  $youTubeService = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient);
  $newVideoEntry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry();


  //make sure first character in category is capitalized
  $videoCategory = strtoupper(substr($videoCategory, 0, 1))
                              . substr($videoCategory, 1);

  // convert videoTags from whitespace separated into comma separated
  $tokenHandlerUrl = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/action/GetUploadToken';
  try {
    $tokenArray = $youTubeService->getFormUploadToken($newVideoEntry, $tokenHandlerUrl);
    if (loggingEnabled()) {
      logMessage($httpClient->getLastRequest(), 'request');
      logMessage($httpClient->getLastResponse()->getBody(), 'response');
  } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
    print 'ERROR ' . $httpException->getMessage()
                   . ' HTTP details<br /><textarea cols="100" rows="20">'
                   . $httpException->getRawResponseBody()
                   . '</textarea><br />'
                   . '<a href="session_details.php">'
                   . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />';
  } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
    print 'ERROR - Could not retrieve token for syndicated upload. '
                 . $e->getMessage()
                 . '<br /><a href="session_details.php">'
                 . 'click here to view details of last request</a><br />';
  $tokenValue = $tokenArray['token'];
  $postUrl = $tokenArray['url'];
  // place to redirect user after upload
  if (!$nextUrl) {
    $nextUrl = $_SESSION['homeUrl'];

  //instead of outputting the form below, send variables (json???) to be interpreted by xmlhr in _js/video_app.js
  //print <<< END
  //<br />      
  //<p>url: ${postUrl}?nexturl=${nextUrl}</p>
  //<form id="uploadToYouTubeForm" action="temp.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  //<input id="uploadToYouTube" name="file" type="file" onchange="autoUploadToYouTube();" /><br/>
  //token: <input id="token" name="token" type="text" value="${tokenValue}"/><br/>
  //<input value="Manual upload" type="submit" />

因此,第一个 javascript 侦听输入 type="file" 的拖放(在 div 上)或 change() 事件。表单实际上并未提交,而是收集数据并通过 ajax 发送到 php 脚本,该脚本返回上传所需的令牌和 url。然后,原始 PHP 脚本会输出一个表单来选择文件(以及一个包含令牌的隐藏字段)。相反,我想将 url 和 token 作为变量传递,并使用 XMLHttpRequest 将这些变量放入表单的 action 属性中,并将键设置为隐藏输入字段的值。然后可以通过以下方式提交该字段$('#uploadToYouTubeForm').submit();

可能出现的唯一问题是将附加信息发送到 youtube 应用程序,我希望它会简单地忽略它,或者我可能需要以编程方式删除 youtube 不接受的字段(标题、类别、最大文件大小).. ..

于 2012-08-28T21:58:47.060 回答