I'm having a problem with the website I'm helping manage. Visitors are getting a JavaScript Obfuscation warning from our site. We haven't purposely obfuscated any of our code, which only leaves a malicious attack as the probable cause. It doesn't look like our antivirus is going to fix the problem. I'm not finding a whole lot of useful information on this issue online. What should I do to address this? Is there some utility that would work for a Linux server that may help us find the source of the problem, and remove the threat?


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如果代码确实是您最初放在那里的代码,则您正在使用的第三方 JavaScript 库(或您自己的库,如果您使用某些技术缩小代码)可能会触发防病毒产品的误报. 如果是这种情况,请找出哪些防病毒软件会触发警告并向该供应商提交误报报告。每个主要的反病毒供应商都有在线提交误报报告的方法。他们通常会在几天内采取行动。

于 2012-08-27T20:50:51.357 回答