I am learning OOP PHP, but some things are really confusing. I have a general idea of where to use static methods, but I'm not sure if here it's a good idea.
My questions is about which is actually the best approach for the specific problem I am facing (described below). The general guidelines I've found online didn't help for this specific problem. Here is what I thought (from more likely to be correct to less):
Extend the Language class, create a single object (that gets the language in the initialization) and call a method with the $id that would return the translated string.
Merge both classes into one. The language would be found when initialized and a method called when needed. But it would behave a little as a God object.
Make the Language class static. Therefore I would be able to use it from within the Text. I would create a Text instance and call a method with different $id. Similar to using it with globals. There's almost no other place where I'd need to use the Language class.
Extend the Language class with Text, create an object for each translation. This would probably create too much overhead.
Not do anything. It's tempting (don't fix it if it's not broken), but I intend to start developing with someone else soon, so clean and clear code is needed.
Now the simple class:
class Language
public $Lang;
public function __construct()
if ( !empty($_POST['lang']) ) // If the user tries to change the language
$this->Lang = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lang']); // Assign the language to variable.
$_SESSION['lang'] = $this->Lang; //Sets the session to have that language.
if ($_SESSION['logged']==1) // If user is logged
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lang='$this->Lang' WHERE email='$User'") or die(mysql_error()); // Saves the language into user preferences
else // If no request is done.
if ($_SESSION['logged']==1) // DO. Check for user's language
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$User'");
if ( !empty ($_SESSION['lang'])) // If the session exists (not empty)
$this->Lang = $_SESSION['lang']; // Assign the session language to variable.
else // If it doesn't exist
$this->Lang = substr ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); // Get it from the browser
//If the language is not supported (or still doesn't exist), then put "en" as default. Supported so far: en, es.
if ( $this->Lang !== "en" && $this->Lang !== "es") $this->Lang="en";
I have few methods inside this class, but that's the only relevan code here. So I initialize it with $Language=new Language;
and then use $Language->Lang;
to obtain the user language. So far so good.
This is the function I want to reconvert to a class. It gets an integer or a string, searches it as an id with mysql and returns a translated string in the right language. Now, how do I achieve this? Here it's the text() function. It was used with globals, which is apparently a really bad practice.
function text($Id)
// Already defined and tested that are valid (sql injection avoided also)
global $Lang;
global $Url;
global $Version;
global $Banner;
if (!empty($Url["folder"])) $FullUrl = "/".$Url["folder"]."/";
else $FullUrl="/";
if (!is_int($Id)) $Id = mysql_real_escape_string( $Id );
$numargs = func_num_args(); // Get the number of arguments that are being passed.
if ($numargs == 2) // If there are actually two
$Var=func_get_arg(1); // Set $Var with the second value (1).
if (is_int($Id)) // If a number is being passed
// Add AND page='$FullUrl' to control scope of the strings translated
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM translations WHERE id='$Id'") or die ('Could not query:' . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);
if (!empty($row[$Lang]) && !isset($Var)) echo stripslashes($row[$Lang]); // If there is some, echo it
elseif ($Var==1) return stripslashes($row[$Lang]); // If it is required to be a returned string, send it.
else error($FullUrl,$Lang); // If there is nothing there, calls error function.
else // If a string is being passed
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM htranslations WHERE keyword='$Id'") or die ('Could not query:' . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);
if (!empty($row[$Lang]) && !isset($Var)) echo stripslashes($row[$Lang]); // If it exists in the table, echo it
elseif (!empty($row[$Lang]) && isset($Var)) return stripslashes($row[$Lang]);
else // Else (it doesn't exist)
$Id = str_replace("_", " ", $Id); // Replace the "_" with " "
if (!isset($Var))
echo $Id; // Echo the passed string with spaces
else return $Id;
$Banner="There might be some misstranslation. Please report if needed.";