我收到上述错误。我正在用 C 编码并使用标准 gcc 编译器(命令窗口)。这是我的代码中有问题的部分。我没有看到任何错误,也许我的眼睛已经厌倦了看同一件事
LEADER *call_leader(double st1, double st2, double incentive, double pdis)
LEADER *leader= (LEADER *)malloc(sizeof(LEADER));
double shortest = MIN(st1, st2) ; //shortest station
if (shortest == st1 && s1 != 0){ //no congestion
leader->price1 = p_max;
leader->price2 = p_max;
if (shortest == st2 && s2 != 0){ //no congestion
leader->price1 = p_max;
leader->price2 = p_max;
if (shortest == st1 && s1 == 0){ //congestion at station 1
if (s2 != 0){ // no congestion at station 2, try to route
leader->price1 = p_max;
double cost_1 = shortest*pdrive + p_max;
double p2 = cost1 - st2*pdrive - (sqrt(pow((st2 - st1),2)))*pdis - incentive;
if (p2 >= p_min){
leader->price2 = p2;
leader->price2 = p_min;
else if (s2 == 0){
if (r1 >= r2){ // st1 less congestion
leader-> price1 = p_max;
Problematic Line => else (r1 < r2) { //try to route s2
leader -> price1 = p_max;
double cost_1 = shortest*pdrive + p_max;
double p2 = cost1 - st2*pdrive - (sqrt(pow((st2 - st1),2)))*pdis - incentive;
if (p2 >= p_min){
leader->price2 = p2;
leader->price2 = p_min;