我想按 dist 排序:dist是从名为isNeighbour的函数返回的双精度值它会抛出错误,因为 dist 未定义:字段列表中的未知列“dist”
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `connectarabs`.`maxEdges` $$
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `maxEdges`(id int,lat double,lon double,rad double)
if lat is null then
set lat=(select a.latitude from account a where a.id=id);
end if;
if lon is null then
set lon=(select a.longitude from account a where a.id=id);
end if;
SELECT friends.* FROM account friends left join account_friendTest me on (friends.id=me.second_account)
or (friends.id=me.first_account) where (me.first_account=id OR me.second_account=id) AND friends.id <> id AND
( ((select isNeighbour(lat,lon,friends.latitude,friends.longitude,rad) as dist )<rad) ) order by dist;
END $$