set start_trim to 5
set end_trim to 6
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set movieFile to (the POSIX path of ("PathToMovieFolder")) & "MyMovie.mov"
on error errorMsg number errorNum
display alert errorMsg & space & errorNum message ¬
"An error occured trying to find the file " & movieFile & "." & return & ¬
"Check the file path exists, and the file spelling." as warning giving up after 60
end try
open movieFile with presenting
delay (0.25)
present document 1
delay (0.25)
trim document 1 from start_trim to end_trim
display alert errorMsg & space & errorNum message ¬
"An error occured trying to open & play the file " & movieFile & "." & return & ¬
"Check the file path exists, and the set delay time" as warning giving up after 60
end try
end tell