Suppose I'm trying to implement OpenId for relying in my n-tier web site which uses web services. Please tell me if some steps seem strange.

1) I want the user to enter their OpenId url in a textbox. ex: http://vidalsasoon.myopenid.com

2) The user then clicks submit where the entered Url is sent to my web service using the OpenId api. With the OpenId API on the server, I can build a proper OpenId request.

3) User receives the Url where he should get authenticated.

4) User gets redirected to their provider, Logs in, get redirected back to my web site.

CONFUSION HERE: Now steps 2 - 4 happen between the user and the provider. My web service is not involved during these steps.

I would like the user to then send their desired username and OpenId back to the web service at this point. The problem is how can I know that the user/client hasn't tampered with with them?


1 回答 1



  1. 在您自己和 OpenID 提供者之间建立一个共享密钥。当用户登录到提供程序时,它会与他们共享秘密,而后者又会与您共享秘密,然后您可以根据原始共享秘密对其进行验证。

  2. 通过 OpenIDs check_authentication 规范。一旦用户将信息传递给您,请拨打此电话以进行验证。链接到规范

于 2009-07-31T18:02:35.453 回答