I have a question about using AFNetworking and showing a upload-progress.

Scenario: From a tableview the user can click on a row and go into a detailview. In the detailview the user can upload five images. If the user upload one image, a upload-progress view will be visible in top of the detailview.

Pretty simpel. :)

Now to the problem:

Lets say the user retunrs to the tableView, and again go into the deatilview where he just uploaded an image.

Is it possible to show how far the upload-progress is.



2 回答 2


查看AFNetworking Github 页面上的示例。您应该能够将此代码集成到您的课程中,以便在文件上传之前显示进度。

于 2012-11-13T01:30:55.230 回答

这是示例的更好链接,因为 githup 页面似乎没有显示如何设置进度。


于 2015-03-31T22:36:29.193 回答