
我用Jquery Elastislide 插件创建了一个画廊


我尝试使用一些Jquery 插件,如地址、烧烤、历史记录,但它不起作用。

$(function() {

    $.fn.imagesLoaded       = function( callback ) {
    var $images = this.find('img'),
        len     = $images.length,
        _this   = this,
        blank   = '';

    function triggerCallback() {
        callback.call( _this, $images );

    function imgLoaded() {
        if ( --len <= 0 && this.src !== blank ){
            setTimeout( triggerCallback );
            $images.off( 'load error', imgLoaded );

    if ( !len ) {

    $images.on( 'load error',  imgLoaded ).each( function() {
        // cached images don't fire load sometimes, so we reset src.
        if (this.complete || this.complete === undefined){
            var src = this.src;
            // webkit hack from http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-dev/browse_thread/thread/eee6ab7b2da50e1f
            // data uri bypasses webkit log warning (thx doug jones)
            this.src = blank;
            this.src = src;

    return this;

    // gallery container
    var $rgGallery          = $('#rg-gallery'),
    // carousel container
    $esCarousel         = $rgGallery.find('div.es-carousel-wrapper'),
    // the carousel items
    $items              = $esCarousel.find('ul > li'),
    // total number of items
    itemsCount          = $items.length;

    Gallery             = (function() {
            // index of the current item

        var  current            =  0,

            // mode : carousel || fullview
            mode            = 'carousel',
            // control if one image is being loaded
            anim            = false,
            init            = function() {

                // (not necessary) preloading the images here...
                $items.add('<img src="ajax-loader.gif"/><img src="black.png"/>').imagesLoaded( function() {
                    // add options

                    // add large image wrapper

                    // show first image
                    _showImage( $items.eq(window.location.hash));


                // initialize the carousel
                if( mode === 'carousel' )

            _initCarousel   = function() {

                // we are using the elastislide plugin:
                // http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/09/12/elastislide-responsive-carousel/
                    imageW  : 65,
                    onClick : function( $item ) {
                        if( anim ) return false;
                        anim    = true;
                        // on click show image
                        // change current
                        current = $item.index(location.hash);


1 回答 1


因此,如果有哈希,我们希望在页面加载时将信息传递给 elastislide。

var imageIndex = 0; 
if (window.location.hash) {
    var imageIndexStr = window.location.hash.replace('#',''); // remove #
    imageIndex = parseInt(imageIndexStr, 10); // convert to int
    current : imageIndex,
    [rest of elastislide setup as above]


于 2012-08-27T03:06:44.510 回答