背景:在 WAMP 堆栈上使用 MediaWiki 1.19.1、Graphviz 2.28.0、Extension:GraphViz 0.9(Server 2008、Apache 2.4.2、MySQL 5.5.27、PHP 5.4.5)。对于使用 MediaWiki 中的 GraphViz 扩展从 Graphviz 图中呈现可点击图像的基本功能,一切都运行良好,并且符合预期。

问题:图像映射中的链接未添加到 MediaWiki 页面链接表中。我明白为什么不添加它们,但如果无法使用“这里有什么链接”功能来跟踪链接,这将成为一个问题。

所需的解决方案:在处理 GraphViz 扩展中的图表期间,我想使用生成的 .map 文件然后创建一个 wikilinks 列表以添加到页面上,以便被 MediaWiki 拾取并添加到 pagelinks 表中。

详细信息:此 GraphViz 扩展代码:

<graphviz border='frame' format='png'>
digraph example1 {
  // define nodes
  nodeHello [
    label="I say Hello", 
  nodeWorld [
    label="You say World!",
  // link nodes
  nodeHello -> nodeWorld!



并且此图像映射代码在服务器上相应的 .map 文件中:

<map id="example1" name="example1">
<area shape="poly" id="node1" href="Hello" title="I say Hello" alt="" coords="164,29,161,22,151,15,137,10,118,7,97,5,77,7,58,10,43,15,34,22,31,29,34,37,43,43,58,49,77,52,97,53,118,52,137,49,151,43,161,37"/>
<area shape="poly" id="node2" href="World" title="You say World!" alt="" coords="190,125,186,118,172,111,152,106,126,103,97,101,69,103,43,106,22,111,9,118,5,125,9,133,22,139,43,145,69,148,97,149,126,148,152,145,172,139,186,133"/>

从该图像映射文件中,我希望能够提取 href 和标题来构建 wikilinks,如下所示:

[[Hello|I say Hello]]
[[World|You say World!]]

我猜想,因为那个 .map 文件本质上是 XML,所以我可以使用 XPATH 来查询文件,但这只是一个猜测。PHP 不是我最擅长的领域,我不知道使用 XML/XPATH 选项的最佳方法,或者这是否是从文件中提取该信息的最佳方法。

一旦我从 .map 文件中获得了维基链接的集合/数组,我确信我可以破解 GraphViz.php 扩展文件,将其添加到页面的内容中,从而将其添加到页面链接表中。

进展:当我提交问题时,我有一点解决问题的橡皮鸭问题。我意识到,由于我在图像映射中具有格式良好的数据,因此 XPATH 可能是要走的路。能够提取我需要的数据是相当微不足道的,特别是因为我发现地图文件内容仍然存储在本地字符串变量中。

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $map );
foreach($xml->area as $item) {
  $links .= "[[" . $item->attributes()->href . "|" . $item->attributes()->title . "]]";



1 回答 1


我终于解决了所有问题,现在有了一个相当不错的解决方案来很好地渲染图形,提供链接列表,并在 wiki 中注册链接。我的解决方案不完全支持当前 GraphViz 扩展的所有功能,因为它是编写的,因为有我们不需要且我不想支持的功能。以下是此解决方案的假设/限制:

  • 不支持MscGen:我们只需要Graphviz。
  • 不支持 imageAttributes:我们想要控制格式和表示,看起来 imageAttributes 实现中存在不一致,这会导致进一步的支持问题。
  • 不支持 wikilinks:虽然通过 wiki 和 Graphviz 扩展提供一致的链接使用会很好,但现实情况是 Graphviz 是一个完全不同的标记环境。虽然当前的扩展“支持”wikilinks,但实现有点薄弱,留下了混乱的地方。示例:Wikilinks 支持为链接提供可选描述,但 Graphviz 已经使用节点标签进行描述。因此,您最终会忽略 wikilink 描述并告诉用户“是的,我们支持 wikilinks 但不使用描述部分”因此,由于我们并没有真正正确使用 wikilinks,因此只需实现常规链接实现并尽量避免完全混乱。

这是输出的样子: Wiki Graphviz 增强功能



// We don't want to support wikilinks so don't replace them
//$timelinesrc = rewriteWikiUrls( $timelinesrc ); // if we use wiki-links we transform them to real urls


// clean up map-name
$map  = preg_replace( '#<ma(.*)>#', ' ', $map );
$map  = str_replace( '</map>', '', $map );
if ( $renderer == 'mscgen' ) {
    $mapbefore = $map;
    $map = preg_replace( '/(\w+)\s([_:%#/\w]+)\s(\d+,\d+)\s(\d+,\d+)/',
   '<area shape="$1" href="$2" title="$2" alt="$2" coords="$3,$4" />',
    $map );

/* Procduce html
if ( $wgGraphVizSettings->imageFormatting )
    $txt = imageAtrributes( $args, $storagename, $map, $outputType, $wgUploadPath ); // if we want borders/position/...
} else {
    $txt  = '<map name="' . $storagename . '">' . $map . '</map>' .
         '<img src="' . $wgUploadPath . '/graphviz/' . $storagename . '.' . $outputType . '"' .
                   ' usemap="#' . $storagename . '" />';


$intHtml = '';
$extHtml = '';
$badHtml = '';

// Wrap the map/area info with top level nodes and load into xml object
$xmlObj = new SimpleXMLElement( $map );

// What does map look like before we start working with it?
wfDebugLog( 'graphviz', 'map before: ' . $map . "\n" );

// loop through each of the <area> nodes
foreach($xmlObj->area as $areaNode) {

    wfDebugLog( 'graphviz', "areaNode: " . $areaNode->asXML() . "\n" );

    // Get the data from the XML attributes
    $hrefValue = (string)$areaNode->attributes()->href;
    $textValue = (string)$areaNode->attributes()->title;

    wfDebugLog( 'graphviz', '$hrefValue before: ' . $hrefValue . "\n" );
    wfDebugLog( 'graphviz', '$textValue before: ' . $textValue . "\n" );

    // For the text fields, multiple spaces ("   ") in the Graphviz source (label)
    // turns into a regular space followed by encoded representations of
    // non-breaking spaces (" &#xA0;&#xA0;") in the .map file which then turns
    // into the following in the local variables: ("   ").
    // The following two options appear to convert/decode the characters
    // appropriately. Leaving the lines commented out for now, as we have
    // not seen a graph in the wild with multiple spaces in the label -
    // just happened to stumble on the scenario.
    // See http://www.php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.asxml.php
    // and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2050723/how-can-i-preg-replace-special-character-like-pret-a-porter
    //$textValue = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", $textValue);
    //$textValue = html_entity_decode($textValue, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // Now we need to deal with the whitespace characters like tabs and newlines
    // and also deal with them correctly to replace multiple occurences.
    // Unfortunately, the \n and \t values in the variable aren't actually
    // tab or newline characters but literal characters '\' + 't' or '\' + 'n'.
    // So the normally recommended regex '/\s+/u' to replace the whitespace 
    // characters does not work.
    // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6579636/preg-replace-n-in-string
    $hrefValue = preg_replace("/( |\\\\n|\\\\t)+/", ' ', $hrefValue);
    $textValue = preg_replace("/( |\\\\n|\\\\t)+/", ' ', $textValue);

    // check to see if the url matches any of the
    // allowed protocols for external links
    if ( preg_match( '/^(?:' . wfUrlProtocols() . ')/', $hrefValue ) ) {
        // external link
        $parser->mOutput->addExternalLink( $hrefValue );
        $extHtml .= Linker::makeExternalLink( $hrefValue, $textValue ) . ', ';
    else {
        $first = substr( $hrefValue, 0, 1 );
        if ( $first == '\\' || $first == '[' || $first == '/' ) {
            // potential UNC path, wikilink, absolute or relative path
            $hrefValue = '#InvalidLink';
            $badHtml .= Linker::makeExternalLink( $hrefValue, $textValue ) . ', ';
            $textValue = 'Invalid link. Check Graphviz source.';
        else {
            $title = Title::newFromText( $hrefValue );
            if ( is_null( $title ) ) {
                // invalid link
                $hrefValue = '#InvalidLink';
                $badHtml .= Linker::makeExternalLink( $hrefValue, $textValue ) . ', ';
                $textValue = 'Invalid link. Check Graphviz source.';
            else {
                // internal link
                $parser->mOutput->addLink( $title );
                $intHtml .= Linker::link( $title, $textValue ) . ', ';
                $hrefValue = $title->getFullURL();

    $areaNode->attributes()->href = $hrefValue;
    $areaNode->attributes()->title = $textValue;


$map = $xmlObj->asXML();

// The contents of $map, which is now XML, gets embedded
// in the HTML sent to the browser so we need to strip
// the XML version tag and we also strip the <map> because
// it will get replaced with a new one with the correct name.
$map = str_replace( '<?xml version="1.0"?>', '', $map );
$map = preg_replace( '#<ma(.*)>#', ' ', $map );
$map = str_replace( '</map>', '', $map );

// Let's see what it looks like now that we are done with it.
wfDebugLog( 'graphviz', 'map after: ' . $map . "\n" );

$txt = '' .
    '<table style="background-color:#f9f9f9;border:1px solid #ddd;">' .
        '<tr>' .
            '<td style="border:1px solid #ddd;text-align:center;">' .
                '<map name="' . $storagename . '">' . $map . '</map>' .
                '<img src="' . $wgUploadPath . '/graphviz/' . $storagename . '.' . $outputType . '"' . ' usemap="#' . $storagename . '" />' .
            '</td>' .
        '</tr>' .
        '<tr>' .
            '<td style="font:10px verdana;">' .
                'This Graphviz diagram links to the following pages:' .
                '<br /><strong>Internal</strong>: ' . ( $intHtml != '' ?  rtrim( $intHtml, ' ,' ) : '<em>none</em>' ) .
                '<br /><strong>External</strong>: ' . ( $extHtml != '' ?  rtrim( $extHtml, ' ,' ) : '<em>none</em>' ) .
                ( $badHtml != '' ? '<br /><strong>Invalid</strong>: ' . rtrim($badHtml, ' ,') .
                '<br /><em>Tip: Do not use wikilinks ([]), UNC paths (\\) or relative links (/) when creating links in Graphviz diagrams.</em>' : '' ) .
            '</td>' .
        '</tr>' .


  • 如果图表下方的链接列表经过排序和重复数据删除,那就太好了。
于 2012-08-31T14:04:19.927 回答