@echo off
mode con cols=100 lines=100
echo My batch is NOT minimized. This message is from a normal window!
start "window_will_be_minimized" k:\Folder20\MiniMaxi.exe
start /wait "" cmd /c c:\Folder00\Drawing.exe
Drawing.exe 现在正在运行。
REM --- At this point my batch window is minimized and the MiniMaxi.exe is closed
REM --- until the Drawing.exe is closed.
Drawing.exe 现在已关闭。
REM --- Immediatelly my batch window must return to its previous size.
Therefore, the MiniMaxi.exe will be launched and then closed
start "window_will_be_MAXImized" k:\Folder20\MiniMaxi.exe
echo Again, this message is from a normal window
pause > nul
exit /b