I have a need to make available to the user the ability to input a small set of special characters everywhere where textual entry is permitted. The names of the characters are:
- FORALL.................................THERE EXISTS
- NOT EXISTS...........................CAPITAL PI
- CAPITAL SIGMA......................SUBSET OF
- EQUIVALENCE.........................NOT
- AND..........................................OR
As requested in two comments I am clarifying my requirement.
I want these characters to be available for user input in object editors and as output - as symbols - in object readers. Typically, these readers will show a description or a definition of the object, and the symbols will form part of that description/definition. The user will be inputting them as part of the task of describing or defining the object. The readers could be in a variety of media - web pages, custom object readers, textual documents for on or off screen reading.
I want to provide these facilities in my application, irrespective of the machine the user has. In particular I wish to provide them irrespective of:
- Platform
- The fonts available on a specific machine
- The locale - both keyboard and OS settings.
@Raedwald's edited answer provides a complete answer to both parts of my requirement. I am likely to accept his answer to my question. The part of his answer that I am going to need to investigate further is "2. Detect the output encoding that the output device uses. Include in this detection a check of which fonts are present." I do not know what is involved in this task.