我知道在 php 中存储数据的方法。但是当我在 PHP 中存储一个长数组时,这种方法不起作用。该数组有大约 3000 个值(82382 个字符)。


$encoded_db_data = base64_encode(serialize($query_result));
setcookie("db_select_result", '$encoded_db_data');



1 回答 1


A user agent MAY ignore a received cookie in its entirety. For example, the user agent might wish to block receiving cookies from "third-party" responses or the user agent might not wish to store cookies that exceed some size.

From: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc6265.html

Consider the next options:

1.Split the array's data and put it in more than one cookie.

2.Use sessions (Unlike cookies they have "short-life") [http://www.php.net/manual/en/session.examples.basic.php]

3.Store that data in a Database with a "unique key" , then set a cookie with that unique key so you'll be able to identify which data to pull from the database.

4.Use less data from your array and try to put it in a cookie.

于 2012-08-25T09:07:43.487 回答