我有一个查询 API 的应用程序,然后尝试将该查询存储在 Mongo 文档中。从文档中看起来很简单,但我似乎错过了一步,但我不知道出了什么问题。你们中的一个人能指出我正确的方向吗?谢谢!
我有一行从数据库中选择一些记录,然后运行一个循环查询 API。undefined method
当程序到达该行时,我遇到了 nil:NilClass` 的错误[]'
EntityMetadata.where(id: c['id'].to_s).add_to_set(:mood, result["mood"])
控制台还输出这个:MOPED: COMMAND database=admin command={:ismaster=>1}
puts "Getting sentiment for all entities from Viralheat..."
api_key = '___________------_____-----'
puts "a"
base_uri 'viralheat.com/api/sentiment'
content_sql = 'SELECT content,id FROM entities'
puts content_sql
content = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(content_sql , "Entity Content")
query = {:api_key => api_key}
asdf = {}
content.each do |c|
puts c["content"]
puts "Getting Sentiment for " + c["content"].to_s
query[:text] = c["content"]
result = self.get('/review.json', :query => query)
puts "asdf"
EntityMetadata.where(id: c['id'].to_s).add_to_set(:mood, result["mood"])
puts "ss"
EntityMetadata.where(id: c['id'].to_s).add_to_set(:prob, result["prob"])
#update_mood_sql = "UPDATE entities SET mood = '#{result["mood"]}' WHERE id ='" + c["id"].to_s + "'"
#update_prob_sql = "UPDATE entities SET probability = '#{result["prob"]}' WHERE id ='" + c["id"].to_s + "'"
#ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update_sql(update_mood_sql, "Updating mood")
#ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update_sql(update_prob_sql, "Updating prob")
class EntityMetadata
include Mongoid::Document
field :_id, type: Integer
field :fingerprint, type: String
index({ fingerprint: 1 }, { sparse: true })
# TODO: change this to use the entity_id as the :_id field, to save space
# field :entity_id, type: Integer
# index({ entity_id: 1 }, { unique: true })
def entity
@entity ||= Entity.find_by_id(self._id)