我有一张股票市场移动平均值表,我试图在一天内比较两个值,然后将该值与前一天的相同计算值进行比较。我的 sql 如下所示...当我注释掉定义结果集的最后一个 select 语句并运行显示为结果集的最后一个 cte 时,我在大约 15 分钟内取回了我的数据。长,但易于管理,因为它会在一夜之间作为插入 sproc 运行。当我如图所示运行它时,我在任何结果开始出现之前的 40 分钟。有什么想法吗?它从有点慢到爆炸,可能是加上ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY)
BTW 我仍在处理逻辑,这在这个性能问题上目前是不可能的。提前致谢..
with initialSmas as
select TradeDate, Symbol, Period, Value
from tblDailySMA
smaComparisonsByPer as
select i.TradeDate, i.Symbol, i.Period FastPer, i.Value FastVal,
i2.Period SlowPer, i2.Value SlowVal, (i.Value-i2.Value) FastMinusSlow
from initialSmas i join initialSmas as i2 on i.Symbol = i2.Symbol
and i.TradeDate = i2.TradeDate and i2.Period > i.Period
smaComparisonsByPerPartitioned as
select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY sma.Symbol, sma.FastPer, sma.SlowPer
ORDER BY sma.TradeDate) as RowNum, sma.TradeDate, sma.Symbol, sma.FastPer,
sma.FastVal, sma.SlowPer, sma.SlowVal, sma.FastMinusSlow
from smaComparisonsByPer sma
select scp.TradeDate as LatestDate, scp.FastPer, scp.FastVal, scp.SlowPer, scp.SlowVal,
scp.FastMinusSlow, scp2.TradeDate as LatestDate, scp2.FastPer, scp2.FastVal, scp2.SlowPer,
scp2.SlowVal, scp2.FastMinusSlow, (scp.FastMinusSlow * scp2.FastMinusSlow) as Comparison
from smaComparisonsByPerPartitioned scp join smaComparisonsByPerPartitioned scp2
on scp.Symbol = scp2.Symbol and scp.RowNum = (scp2.RowNum - 1)