我在玩 Boost.Proto,主要是为了好玩,看看将来我是否可以在我自己的项目中使用它。也就是说,可能作为这个库的大多数初学者,我玩过“惰性向量”示例的修改版本,但使用转换而不是上下文来执行评估。向量定义如下(好吧,我知道,“向量”对于在全局命名空间范围内定义的东西不是一个好名字......)

template <std::size_t D, class T>
class vector { 
    T data_[D];
    enum { dimension = D };
    // Constructors, destructors...

// expression wrapper
template <class> class vector_expr;

它以维度和数据类型为模板,类似于 boost::array (我没有使用它,因为我想重载 operator= 以接受表达式树,就像在这类事情中通常所做的那样)。我使用 proto 手册中的代码定义了标量

// scalar = everything convertible to double
struct scalar_terminal :
    proto::terminal<proto::convertible_to <double> >

// vector = everything for which the is_vector returns true_
template <class T> struct is_vector : mpl::false_ {};
template <std::size_t D, class T> struct is_vector <vector <D, T> > : mpl::true_ {};

struct vector_terminal :
    proto::and_ <
     , proto::if_<is_vector<proto::_value>()>

// domain   
struct vector_domain
    : proto::domain <proto::generator <vector_expr> >

// expression wrapper
template <class Expr>
struct vector_expr : proto::extends <Expr, vector_expr <Expr>, vector_domain>
    typedef proto::extends <Expr, vector_expr <Expr>, vector_domain> base_type;

    // Construct from expression (enough to compile)
    vector_expr (Expr const &e) : base_type (e) {}

// Bring in operators
BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_OPERATORS(is_vector, vector_domain)

现在,我想做的第一件事是:检查表达式中的所有向量终端是否具有相同的维度 D。我最终得到了以下工作代码

// a meta-function that returns the vector dimension
template <class T>
struct vector_dim
    typedef mpl::int_ <T::dimension> type;

// a meta-function that combines dimensions from subtrees. int<-1> means
// that sub-trees store vectors of differing static dimension. No good.
template <class D1, class D2>
struct dim_combine
   typedef mpl::int_ < -1 > type;

// ok, dimensions are the same, propagate up the value
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <D, D>
   typedef D type;

// 0 is used to mark scalars. It is ok to mix vectors and scalars
// but propagate up the vector dimension only. This is for vector
// on the left and scalar on the right.
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <D, mpl::int_ <0> >
   typedef D type;

// this is for scalar on the left, vector to the right of some 
// binary operator.
template <class D>
struct dim_combine <mpl::int_ <0>, D>
   typedef D type;

// need this too to avoid ambiguity between the two specializations
// above when D is int_ <0>. Even if this combination should never
// happen
template <>
struct dim_combine <mpl::int_ <0>, mpl::int_<0> >
   typedef mpl::int_<0> type;

// A transform that check that all arrays have the same dimension
struct vec_dim_check
    : proto::or_ <
        proto::when <
          , vector_dim<proto::_value>()
      , proto::when <
          , boost::mpl::int_<0>()
      , proto::when <
            proto::nary_expr<_, proto::vararg<_> >
          , proto::fold<_, boost::mpl::int_<0>(), dim_combine<vec_dim_check, proto::_state>()>

template <class E>
void check_dim (E const&)
    typedef typename boost::result_of<vec_dim_check(E)>::type type;
    BOOST_ASSERT(type::value == 3);

int main (int, char**)
    vector <3,double> a,b,c;
    check_dim (2*a+b/c);
    return 0;




1 回答 1



struct vector_grammar_untyped
  : proto::or_<
        proto::nary_expr<proto::_, proto::vararg<vector_grammar_untyped> >

struct vector_grammar
  : proto::and_<
        proto::if_<mpl::not_equal_to< mpl::int_<-1>, vec_dim_check >()>


struct vector_domain
    : proto::domain <proto::generator <vector_expr>, vector_grammar >

这应该可以防止您创建未通过自定义类型检查的表达式。第二个模板参数 toproto::domain是该域中所有表达式必须符合的语法。


于 2012-08-24T21:37:31.360 回答