我刚刚在 Ubuntu 11.10 上为 Android 开发配置了 eclipse。
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] Android Launch!
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] adb is running normally.
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] Performing com.project.test.two.MainActivity activity launch
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'avd14'
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'avd14'
[2012-08-24 22:15:12 - Test two] Launch canceled!
我还安装了ARM EABI v7a 系统映像API 级别 14 (4.0)
SDK 平台,还按照 SDK 管理器中的说明安装了 Google API 和示例 SDK。
Android SDK 工具:20.0.3
Android SDK platform-tools 14