我目前有两个客户端(生产者/消费者),我正在尝试通过 JMS 发送一个大文件。我成功地生成文件并将其发送到 JMS 服务器,没有任何问题。问题是当我尝试使用消息时,我得到以下异常:

Aug 24, 2012 11:25:37 AM client.Client$1 onException
SEVERE: Connection to the Server has been lost, will retry in 30 seconds. weblogic.jms.common.LostServerException: java.lang.Exception: weblogic.rjvm.PeerGoneException: ; nested exception is: 
    weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size: '10000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of: '10000000' bytes for protocol: 't3'
<Aug 24, 2012 11:25:37 AM CDT> <Error> <Socket> <BEA-000403> <IOException occurred on socket: Socket[addr=,port=7001,localport=51764]
 weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size: '10000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of: '10000000' bytes for protocol: 't3'.
weblogic.socket.MaxMessageSizeExceededException: Incoming message of size: '10000080' bytes exceeds the configured maximum of: '10000000' bytes for protocol: 't3'
    at weblogic.socket.BaseAbstractMuxableSocket.incrementBufferOffset(BaseAbstractMuxableSocket.java:174)
    at weblogic.rjvm.t3.MuxableSocketT3.incrementBufferOffset(MuxableSocketT3.java:351)
    at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.readFromSocket(SocketMuxer.java:983)
    at weblogic.socket.SocketMuxer.readReadySocketOnce(SocketMuxer.java:922)

我相信这与我在 WebLogic 中的 MaxMessage 大小设置有关,而不是代码问题(但我当然可能是错的)。这是我对最大消息大小的设置 WebLogic 设置


我也尝试添加服务器启动参数 -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=200000000,但无济于事。 在此处输入图像描述

这是我设置 MessageListener 和消息使用者本身的一些代码。

public boolean setClient(MessageListener listener) {

        try {
            Properties parm = new Properties();
            parm.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", iProps.getURL());
            parm.setProperty("java.naming.security.principal", iProps.getUser());
            ctx = new InitialContext(parm);
            final QueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx
            connection = connectionFactory.createQueueConnection();
            ((WLConnection) connection)
            ((WLConnection) connection).setReconnectBlockingMillis(30000L);
            ((WLConnection) connection).setTotalReconnectPeriodMillis(-1L);
            session = connection.createQueueSession(false,
            queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup(iProps.getQueue());
            // The following code in the switch statement is the only code that
            // differs for the producer and consumer.
            switch (cType)
                case PRODUCER: {
                    producer = (WLMessageProducer) session
                    // Setting to send large files is done in WebLogic
                    // Administration Console.
                    // Set
                case CONSUMER: {
                    consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);
                    if (listener != null) {
                        log.warning("A Message listener was not set for the consumer, messages will not be acknowledged!");
                    log.info("The client type " + cType.toString()
                            + " is not currently supported!");
                    return false;

            connection.setExceptionListener(new ExceptionListener() {
                public void onException(JMSException arg0) {
                    Logger log2 = new MyLogger().getLogger("BPEL Client");
                    if (arg0 instanceof LostServerException) {
                        log2.severe("Connection to the Server has been lost, will retry in 30 seconds. "
                                + arg0.toString());
                    } else {

            shutdownListener = new ShutdownListener(connection, session, producer, consumer);

            log.info("Successfully connected to " + iProps.getURL());
            return true;
        } catch (JMSException je) {
            log.severe("Could not connect to the WebLogic Server, will retry in 30 seconds. "
                    + je.getMessage());
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return setClient(listener);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.severe("Could not connect to the WebLogic Server, will retry in 30 seconds. "
                    + e.toString());
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            return setClient(listener);



public class ConsumerListener implements MessageListener {
    private Logger log;
    private File destination;
    private Execute instructions;

    public ConsumerListener(Execute instructions, File destination) {
        this.instructions = instructions;
        this.destination = destination;
        log = new MyLogger().getLogger("BPEL Client");

    public void onMessage(Message arg0) {

        try {
            if (arg0.getJMSRedelivered()) {
                log.severe("A re-delivered message has been received, and it has been ignored!"
                        + arg0.toString());
            } else {
                try {
                    if (arg0 instanceof TextMessage) {
                        consumeMessage((TextMessage) arg0);

                    } else if (arg0 instanceof BytesMessage) {
                        consumeMessage((BytesMessage) arg0);
                    } else {
                        log.warning("Currently, only TextMessages and BytesMessages are supported!");
                } catch (JMSException e) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
        } catch (JMSException e) {

     * Unwraps the JMS message received and creates a file and a control file if
     * there are instructions present.
     * @param textMessage
     *            JMS message received to be consumed.
     * @throws JMSException
     * @throws IOException
    protected void consumeMessage(TextMessage textMessage) throws JMSException,
            IOException {
        // ***All properties should be lowercase. for example fileName
        // should be
        // filename.***
        String fileName = textMessage.getStringProperty("filename");
        if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
            fileName = textMessage.getStringProperty("fileName");
        if (fileName != null && !fileName.isEmpty()) {
            // Check if the
            // file name is equal to the shutdown file. If it
            // is, shutdown the consumer. This is probably not a good way to
            // do this, as the program can no longer be shutdown locally!

            // We have a file in the queue, need to create the file.
            createFile(destination.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + fileName,
            log.info("Done creating the file");
            String inst = textMessage.getStringProperty("instructions");
            // If there are instructions included, then create the
            // instruction file, and route the message based on this file.
            if (inst != null && !inst.isEmpty()) {
                // We need to rout the file.
                log.info("Instructions found, executing instructions");
                String[] tokens = fileName.split("\\.");
                String instFileName = "default.ctl";
                if (tokens.length == 2) {
                    instFileName = tokens[0] + ".ctl";
                File controlFile = createFile(destination.getAbsolutePath()
                        + "\\" + instFileName, inst);
                Control control = new Control(controlFile);
                log.info("Done executing instructions");
            } else {
                log.info("No instructions were found");
            log.info("Done consuming message: " + textMessage.getJMSMessageID());


     * Unwraps the JMS message received and creates a file and a control file if
     * there are instructions present.
     * @param bytesMessage
     *            The bytes payload of the message.
     * @throws JMSException
     * @throws IOException
    protected void consumeMessage(BytesMessage bytesMessage)
            throws JMSException, IOException {
        // ***All properties should be lowercase. for example fileName
        // should be
        // filename.***
        log.info("CONSUME - 1");
        String fileName = bytesMessage.getStringProperty("filename");
        if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
            fileName = bytesMessage.getStringProperty("fileName");
        if (fileName != null && !fileName.isEmpty()) {
            // Check if the
            // file name is equal to the shutdown file. If it
            // is, shutdown the consumer. This is probably not a good way to
            // do this, as the program can no longer be shutdown locally!

            // We have a file in the queue, need to create the file.
            byte[] payload = new byte[(int) bytesMessage.getBodyLength()];
            createFile(destination.getAbsolutePath() + "\\" + fileName, payload);
            log.info("Done creating the file");
            String inst = bytesMessage.getStringProperty("instructions");
            // If there are instructions included, then create the
            // instruction file, and route the message based on this file.
            if (inst != null && !inst.isEmpty()) {
                // We need to rout the file.
                log.info("Instructions found, executing instructions");
                String[] tokens = fileName.split("\\.");
                String instFileName = "default.ctl";
                if (tokens.length == 2) {
                    instFileName = tokens[0] + ".ctl";
                File controlFile = createFile(destination.getAbsolutePath()
                        + "\\" + instFileName, inst);
                Control control = new Control(controlFile);
                log.info("Done executing instructions");
            } else {
                log.info("No instructions were found");
            log.info("Done consuming message: "
                    + bytesMessage.getJMSMessageID());


     * Creates a file with the given filename (this should be an absolute path),
     * and the text that is to be contained within the file.
     * @param fileName
     *            The filename including the absolute path of the file.
     * @param fileText
     *            The text to be contained within the file.
     * @return The newly created file.
     * @throws IOException
    protected File createFile(String fileName, String fileText)
            throws IOException {
        File toCreate = new File(fileName);
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(toCreate, fileText);
        return toCreate;

     * Creates a file with the given filename (this should be an absolute path),
     * and the text that is to be contained within the file.
     * @param fileName
     *            The filename including the absolute path of the f ile.
     * @param fileBytes
     *            The bytes to be contained within the file.
     * @return The newly created file.
     * @throws IOException
    protected File createFile(String fileName, byte[] fileBytes)
            throws IOException {
        File toCreate = new File(fileName);
        FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(toCreate, fileBytes);
        return toCreate;

2 回答 2


您还必须从 WLS 控制台增加最大消息大小,如所有托管服务器的屏幕截图所示。


此外,还有第二种替代解决方案。根据Oracle Tuning WebLogic JMS Doc


如果推送给消费者的消息的总大小大于当前协议的最大消息大小(默认大小为 10 MB,并且使用控制台基于每个 WebLogic Server 实例配置,使用 Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize 对每个客户端进行配置命令行属性),消息传递失败。


在发送和接收大型消息时,除了 WebLogic Server 实例之外,您可能还需要配置 WebLogic 客户端。要在客户端上设置最大消息大小,请使用以下命令行属性:


注意:此设置适用于传送到客户端的所有 WebLogic Server 网络数据包,而不仅仅是 JMS 相关数据包



  • 配置系统属性 -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize
  • 使用 WLS 控制台为管理员和所有托管服务器增加最大消息大小。WLS 控制台中的步骤是:服务器/协议/常规
  • 从 WLS 控制台增加最大消息大小。WLS 控制台中的步骤是:队列/配置/阈值和配额/最大消息大小


保留 setDomainEnv 文件的备份。停止所有服务器。在每个 setDomainEnv 文件中添加 -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize=yourValue,更具体地说,在 EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES 行中添加。然后先启动 ADMIN,当 ADMIN 处于 RUNNING 状态时,再启动 MANAGED 服务器。


于 2012-08-25T06:12:34.470 回答

在我的情况下,设置 -Dweblogic.MaxMessageSize 解决了这个问题。我的问题是邮件大小的最大限制应该是多少?我们不能继续增加消息大小来解决这个问题。除了某些其他值之外,还有什么方法可以优化这个值?

于 2013-07-11T08:08:15.633 回答