This is the sheet if you can't view dropbox.
This is the workbook. What I'm looking to do is where it shows 3M, copy the title of the company down to where it shows Total in Column A, and do the same with the next company.
How do I do this in Excel VBA? I know I can use the last row, but it's not exactly the best way for this I believe, because the original version will have over 300 different companies.
Here is the original code I am using for now. Without the extra bits added in.
Option Explicit
Sub Import()
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim wsIMP As Worksheet 'Import
Dim wsTOT As Worksheet 'Total
Dim wsSHI As Worksheet 'Shipped
Dim wsEST As Worksheet 'Estimate
Dim wsISS As Worksheet 'Issued
Dim Shift As Range
Set wsIMP = Sheets("Import")
Set wsTOT = Sheets("Total")
Set wsSHI = Sheets("Shipped")
Set wsEST = Sheets("Estimate")
Set wsISS = Sheets("Issued")
With wsIMP
wsIMP.Range("E6").Cut wsIMP.Range("E5")
wsIMP.Range("B7:G7").Delete xlShiftUp
End Sub