我们有一个基于 flex 框架的应用程序,它具有非常华丽的外观和感觉功能,由于 flash 的先决条件,用户希望有一个替代框架,它不依赖于客户端机器。
该应用程序是在 ExtJS 3.3 上全新构建的,它还具有华丽的外观和感觉功能,但很快我们就遇到了有关性能和自定义 ExtJS 应用程序行为的问题。
现在我们真的无法继续使用现有的 ExtJS 应用程序,或者在纯 html、dhtml、HTML5 等上从头开始构建应用程序,我们可以在其中以我们的方式自定义组件以提高性能。
1.性能 2.定制灵活性 3.维护
Edit1# 在进行了大量研究之后,遇到了从事各种 JavaScript 框架工作的人,并在实际场景中工作,其中差异实际上出现了,下面是我的研究
1. ExtJS (The latest version) is a MVC based framework based on Yahoo YUI, it supports the concepts of MVC in JavaScript and is a well tiered framework with good extendibility and support.
2. ExtJS has good documentation and active forums.
3. It comes in both paid and free version , offers paid support also.
4. ExtJS 4.x has got a major revamp from design perspective and improved in terms of performance
5. To be comfortable in Extjs , if is required to have a good knowledge of JavaScript
6. If you have to use a good MVC framework in enterprise application use ExtJS
7. There is greater learning curve in case of ExtJS
1. jQuery provides a good library with css based selectors promoted by Microsoft
2. jQuery also has good documentation and forum support
3. jQuery is open source ,you can make your own plugins and contribute
4. jQuery is quite lighter and fast in terms of performance .It does not follow the MVC framework , the code sometimes appears cluttered when really complex.
5. jQuery is easy to understand as it is based on css selectors , follows the rules like css (quite similar)
6. For common tasks in JavaScript it is the most suitable framework, well suitable for ASAP projects.
7. The learning curve is not that big, it is quiet easy to grasp, even in case of novice developers.
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