我在 appcelerator 市场中找到了一个允许旋转手势的模块,称为手势识别器,但不幸的是,当我去购买时,它现在已被删除,但看起来开发人员也在 github 上发布了该模块作为“骨架”版本:



Verification issue
Unlicensed module(s) detected.
You must be a subscriber to use one or more of the modules included with this project

有什么我错过的东西吗?我该如何解决这个问题?抱歉,我对 github 和模块一无所知,所以如果我不应该尝试在我的应用程序中使用它,我很抱歉,但是如果有人可以帮助解释如何以及是否允许我让它工作?

ps 现在找不到的市场链接的原始链接是:https ://marketplace.appcelerator.com/http-status/?1894758329


2 回答 2



  1. 打开终端并运行“uuidgen”</li>
  2. 复制您在终端上看到的代码
  3. 打开 tiapp.xml,将“guid”标签中的内容替换为您复制的代码。
  4. 在 Titanium Studio 中,执行 Project –> Clean

概念是更改清单中提到的模块的 GUID。

于 2014-07-24T07:10:19.707 回答

If you have the source code, just go the the manifest file, change the guid in the manifest to a new one, and build the module again. Probably better to increase the version and include it in your project again. Clean and build and it will work.

I guess the Titanium studio checks if you have licence for the modules you use. In case a module is on the marketplace with the same guid and you have no licence for that, it triggers it as unlicensed module.

于 2012-12-13T12:47:49.687 回答