简短的回答是,我使用 R 解决了我的问题以创建线性回归模型,然后使用segmented
R 版本 3.0.1 (2013-05-16)
平台:x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
# example data:
bullard <- structure(list(Rt = c(5.1861, 10.5266, 11.6688, 19.2345, 59.2882,
68.6889, 320.6442, 340.4545, 479.3034, 482.6092, 484.048, 485.7009,
486.4204, 488.1337, 489.5725, 491.2254, 492.3676, 493.2297, 494.3719,
495.2339, 496.3762, 499.6819, 500.253, 501.1151, 504.5417, 505.4038,
507.6278, 508.4899, 509.6321, 522.1321, 524.4165, 527.0027, 529.2871,
531.8733, 533.0155, 544.6534, 547.9592, 551.4075, 553.0604, 556.9397,
558.5926, 561.1788, 562.321, 563.1831, 563.7542, 565.0473, 566.1895,
572.801, 573.9432, 575.6674, 576.2385, 577.1006, 586.2382, 587.5313,
589.2446, 590.1067, 593.4125, 594.5547, 595.8478, 596.99, 598.7141,
599.8563, 600.2873, 603.1429, 604.0049, 604.576, 605.8691, 607.0113,
610.0286, 614.0263, 617.3321, 624.7564, 626.4805, 628.1334, 630.9889,
631.851, 636.4198, 638.0727, 638.5038, 639.646, 644.8184, 647.1028,
647.9649, 649.1071, 649.5381, 650.6803, 651.5424, 652.6846, 654.3375,
656.0508, 658.2059, 659.9193, 661.2124, 662.3546, 664.0787, 664.6498,
665.9429, 682.4782, 731.3561, 734.6619, 778.1154, 787.2919, 803.9261,
814.335, 848.1552, 898.2568, 912.6188, 924.6932, 940.9083), Tem = c(12.7813,
12.9341, 12.9163, 14.6367, 15.6235, 15.9454, 27.7281, 28.4951,
34.7237, 34.8028, 34.8841, 34.9175, 34.9618, 35.087, 35.1581,
35.204, 35.2824, 35.3751, 35.4615, 35.5567, 35.6494, 35.7464,
35.8007, 35.8951, 36.2097, 36.3225, 36.4435, 36.5458, 36.6758,
38.5766, 38.8014, 39.1435, 39.3543, 39.6769, 39.786, 41.0773,
41.155, 41.4648, 41.5047, 41.8333, 41.8819, 42.111, 42.1904,
42.2751, 42.3316, 42.4573, 42.5571, 42.7591, 42.8758, 43.0994,
43.1605, 43.2751, 44.3113, 44.502, 44.704, 44.8372, 44.9648,
45.104, 45.3173, 45.4562, 45.7358, 45.8809, 45.9543, 46.3093,
46.4571, 46.5263, 46.7352, 46.8716, 47.3605, 47.8788, 48.0124,
48.9564, 49.2635, 49.3216, 49.6884, 49.8318, 50.3981, 50.4609,
50.5309, 50.6636, 51.4257, 51.6715, 51.7854, 51.9082, 51.9701,
52.0924, 52.2088, 52.3334, 52.3839, 52.5518, 52.844, 53.0192,
53.1816, 53.2734, 53.5312, 53.5609, 53.6907, 55.2449, 57.8091,
57.8523, 59.6843, 60.0675, 60.8166, 61.3004, 63.2003, 66.456,
67.4, 68.2014, 69.3065)), .Names = c("Rt", "Tem"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
library(segmented) # Version: segmented_0.2-9.4
# create a linear model
out.lm <- lm(Tem ~ Rt, data = bullard)
# Set X breakpoints: Set psi=NA and K=n:
o <- segmented(out.lm, seg.Z=~Rt, psi=NA, control=seg.control(display=FALSE, K=3))
slope(o) # defaults to confidence level of 0.95 (conf.level=0.95)
# Trickery for placing text labels
r <- o$rangeZ[, 1]
est.psi <- o$psi[, 2]
v <- sort(c(r, est.psi))
xCoord <- rowMeans(cbind(v[-length(v)], v[-1]))
Z <- o$model[, o$nameUV$Z]
id <- sapply(xCoord, function(x) which.min(abs(x - Z)))
yCoord <- broken.line(o)[id]
# create the segmented plot, add linear regression for comparison, and text labels
plot(o, lwd=2, col=2:6, main="Segmented regression", res=TRUE)
abline(out.lm, col="red", lwd=1, lty=2) # dashed line for linear regression
text(xCoord, yCoord,
labels=formatC(slope(o)[[1]][, 1] * 1000, digits=1, format="f"),
pos = 4, cex = 1.3)