我需要对存储在面向文档的数据库 (MongoDB) 中的(简单)Java 对象图进行版本控制。对于关系数据库和 Hibernate,我发现了Envers,并对这些可能性感到非常惊讶。是否有类似的东西可以与 Spring Data Documents 一起使用?


编辑:非常感谢任何使用 MongoDB 和版本控制的经验!我认为很可能不会有 Spring Data 解决方案。


3 回答 3


这就是我最终为 MongoDB 实体实现版本控制的方式。感谢 StackOverflow 社区的帮助!

  • 每个实体的更改日志都保存在单独的历史集合中。
  • 为了避免保存大量数据,历史集合不存储完整的实例,而只存储第一个版本和版本之间的差异。(您甚至可以省略第一个版本并从实体的主集合中的当前版本“向后”重建版本。)
  • Java Object Diff用于生成对象差异。
  • 为了能够正确使用集合,需要实现equals实体的方法,以便它测试数据库主键而不是子属性。(否则,JavaObjectDiff 将无法识别集合元素中的属性更改。)

以下是我用于版本控制的实体(删除了 getter/setter 等):

// This entity is stored once (1:1) per entity that is to be versioned
// in an own collection
public class MongoDiffHistoryEntry {
    /* history id */
    private String id;

    /* reference to original entity */
    private String objectId;

    /* copy of original entity (first version) */
    private Object originalObject;

    /* differences collection */
    private List<MongoDiffHistoryChange> differences;

    /* delete flag */
    private boolean deleted;

// changeset for a single version
public class MongoDiffHistoryChange {
    private Date historyDate;
    private List<MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem> items;

// a single property change
public class MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem {
    /* path to changed property (PropertyPath) */
    private String path;

    /* change state (NEW, CHANGED, REMOVED etc.) */
    private Node.State state;

    /* original value (empty for NEW) */
    private Object base;

    /* new value (empty for REMOVED) */
    private Object modified;

这是 saveChangeHistory 操作:

private void saveChangeHistory(Object working, Object base) {
    assert working != null && base != null;
    assert working.getClass().equals(base.getClass());

    String baseId = ObjectUtil.getPrimaryKeyValue(base).toString();
    String workingId = ObjectUtil.getPrimaryKeyValue(working).toString();
    assert baseId != null && workingId != null && baseId.equals(workingId);

    MongoDiffHistoryEntry entry = getObjectHistory(base.getClass(), baseId);
    if (entry == null) {
        //throw new RuntimeException("history not found: " + base.getClass().getName() + "#" + baseId);
        logger.warn("history lost - create new base history record: {}#{}", base.getClass().getName(), baseId);
        saveHistory(working, base);

    final MongoDiffHistoryChange change = new MongoDiffHistoryChange();
    change.setHistoryDate(new Date());
    change.setItems(new ArrayList<MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem>());

    ObjectDiffer differ = ObjectDifferFactory.getInstance();
    Node root = differ.compare(working, base);
    root.visit(new MongoDiffHistoryChangeVisitor(change, working, base));

    if (entry.getDifferences() == null)
        entry.setDifferences(new ArrayList<MongoDiffHistoryChange>());

    mongoTemplate.save(entry, getHistoryCollectionName(working.getClass()));

这是它在 MongoDB 中的样子:

  "_id" : ObjectId("5040a9e73c75ad7e3590e538"),
  "_class" : "MongoDiffHistoryEntry",
  "objectId" : "5034c7a83c75c52dddcbd554",
  "originalObject" : {
      BLABLABLA, including sections collection etc.
  "differences" : [{
      "historyDate" : ISODate("2012-08-31T12:11:19.667Z"),
      "items" : [{
          "path" : "/sections[LetterSection@116a3de]",
          "state" : "ADDED",
          "modified" : {
            "_class" : "LetterSection",
            "_id" : ObjectId("5034c7a83c75c52dddcbd556"),
            "letterId" : "5034c7a83c75c52dddcbd554",
            "sectionIndex" : 2,
            "stringContent" : "BLABLA",
            "contentMimetype" : "text/plain",
            "sectionConfiguration" : "BLUBB"
        }, {
          "path" : "/sections[LetterSection@19546ee]",
          "state" : "REMOVED",
          "base" : {
            "_class" : "LetterSection",
            "_id" : ObjectId("5034c7a83c75c52dddcbd556"),
            "letterId" : "5034c7a83c75c52dddcbd554",
            "sectionIndex" : 2,
            "stringContent" : "BLABLABLA",
            "contentMimetype" : "text/plain",
            "sectionConfiguration" : "BLUBB"
    }, {
      "historyDate" : ISODate("2012-08-31T13:15:32.574Z"),
      "items" : [{
          "path" : "/sections[LetterSection@44a38a]/stringContent",
          "state" : "CHANGED",
          "base" : "blub5",
          "modified" : "blub6"
  "deleted" : false


public class MongoDiffHistoryChangeVisitor implements Visitor {

private MongoDiffHistoryChange change;
private Object working;
private Object base;

public MongoDiffHistoryChangeVisitor(MongoDiffHistoryChange change, Object working, Object base) {
    this.change = change;
    this.working = working;
    this.base = base;

public void accept(Node node, Visit visit) {
    if (node.isRootNode() && !node.hasChanges() ||
        node.hasChanges() && node.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
        MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem diffItem = new MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem();

        if (node.getState() != State.UNTOUCHED) {

        if (change.getItems() == null)
            change.setItems(new ArrayList<MongoDiffHistoryChangeItem>());

于 2012-08-31T14:32:39.930 回答

我们正在使用一个基本实体(我们在其中设置 Id、创建 + 上次更改日期......)。在此基础上,我们使用了一个通用的持久化方法,它看起来像这样:

public <E extends BaseEntity> ObjectId persist(E entity) {
    return entity.getId();

delta 方法看起来像这样(我会尽量使它尽可能通用):

protected <E extends BaseEntity> void delta(E newEntity) {

    // If the entity is null or has no ID, it hasn't been persisted before,
    // so there's no delta to calculate
    if ((newEntity == null) || (newEntity.getId() == null)) {

    // Get the original entity
    E oldEntity = (E) mongoDataStore.get(newEntity.getClass(), newEntity.getId()); 

    // Ensure that the old entity isn't null
    if (oldEntity == null) {
        LOG.error("Tried to compare and persist null objects - this is not allowed");

    // Get the current user and ensure it is not null
    String email = ...;

    // Calculate the difference
    // We need to fetch the fields from the parent entity as well as they
    // are not automatically fetched
    Field[] fields = ArrayUtils.addAll(newEntity.getClass().getDeclaredFields(),
    Object oldField = null;
    Object newField = null;
    StringBuilder delta = new StringBuilder();
    for (Field field : fields) {
        field.setAccessible(true); // We need to access private fields
        try {
            oldField = field.get(oldEntity);
            newField = field.get(newEntity);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            LOG.error("Bad argument given");
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            LOG.error("Could not access the argument");
        if ((oldField != newField)
                && (((oldField != null) && !oldField.equals(newField)) || ((newField != null) && !newField
                        .equals(oldField)))) {
            delta.append(field.getName()).append(": [").append(oldField).append("] -> [")
                    .append(newField).append("]  ");

    // Persist the difference
    if (delta.length() == 0) {
        LOG.warn("The delta is empty - this should not happen");
    } else {
        DeltaEntity deltaEntity = new DeltaEntity(oldEntity.getClass().toString(),
                oldEntity.getId(), oldEntity.getUuid(), email, delta.toString());

我们的 delta 实体看起来像这样(没有 getter + setter、toString、hashCode 和 equals):

@Entity(value = "delta", noClassnameStored = true)
public final class DeltaEntity extends BaseEntity {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2770175650780701908L;

    private String entityClass; // Do not call this className as Morphia will
                            // try to work some magic on this automatically
    private ObjectId entityId;
    private String entityUuid;
    private String userEmail;
    private String delta;

    public DeltaEntity() {

    public DeltaEntity(final String entityClass, final ObjectId entityId, final String entityUuid,
            final String userEmail, final String delta) {
        this.entityClass = entityClass;
        this.entityId = entityId;
        this.entityUuid = entityUuid;
        this.userEmail = userEmail;
        this.delta = delta;


于 2012-08-30T21:45:35.783 回答

看起来 Javers 是完成这项工作的正确工具,请参阅http://javers.org/documentation/features/#javers-repository

Javers 在概念上是用于域对象版本控制的 VCS,由 JSON 和 MongoDB 支持

于 2015-02-01T18:28:08.203 回答