
public static void smoothZoomToSpan(final MapController controller,
        MapView v, GeoPoint center, int latitudeSpan, int longitudeSpan) {

    final Handler handler = new Handler();
    final MapView mapView = v;

    final int currentLatitudeSpan = v.getLatitudeSpan();
    final int currentLongitudeSpan = v.getLongitudeSpan();

    final int targetLatitudeSpan = latitudeSpan;
    final int targetLongitudeSpan = longitudeSpan;

    controller.animateTo(center, new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

            int curLatSpan = currentLatitudeSpan;
            int curLngSpan = currentLongitudeSpan;
            int tarLatSpn = targetLatitudeSpan;
            int tarLngSpan = targetLongitudeSpan;

            long delay = 0;

                while ((curLatSpan - 6000 > tarLatSpn)
                        || (curLngSpan - 6000 > tarLngSpan)) {
                    Log.e("ZoomIn", "Thinks we should!");
                    handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            Log.e("ZoomIn", "Zoomed");
                    }, delay);

                    delay += 150; // Change this to whatever is good on the
                                    // device
                Log.e("ZoomIn", "completed");

执行此代码后,Logcat 输出“认为我们应该!” (基本上淹没原木)无休止。但它从来没有对我的处理程序做任何事情......实际的 zoomIn 调用永远不会触发,它只会永远循环,直到我强制关闭我的应用程序。我究竟做错了什么?


1 回答 1


您的处理程序和 while 循环都Runnable在 UI 线程上执行它们的 s。因此,您已经向 UI 线程处理程序发布了一个 bajillion 可运行文件,但这并不重要,因为 UI 线程正忙于执行您的 while 循环,并且永远不会到达可以执行您已发布到处理程序的可运行文件的地步. 您必须稍微修改您的控制流程才能使其正常工作 - 可能是这样的:

public static void smoothZoomToSpan(final MapController controller,
    MapView v, GeoPoint center, int latitudeSpan, int longitudeSpan) {
  controller.animateTo(center, new Runnable());

private class ExecuteZoom implements Runnable {
  static long delay;

  public void run() {
    if ((curLatSpan - 6000 > tarLatSpn)
                    || (curLngSpan - 6000 > tarLngSpan)) {
       handler.postDelayed(new ExecuteZoom(), delay);
       delay += 150;


于 2012-08-23T19:43:42.537 回答