我不确定我做错了什么。我有一个 Ruby 哈希值作为该函数的第三个参数传入,Test::test().

static VALUE nm_test(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE from, VALUE options) {
  if (TYPE(options) != T_HASH) {
    // raises error

  if (rb_funcall(options, rb_intern("has_key?"), 1, rb_intern("dtype")) == Qtrue) { // SEGFAULT
    // success

  // other stuff

void Init_test() {
  cTest = rb_define_module("Test");

  rb_define_singleton_method(cTest, "test", nm_test, 3);


if (TYPE(options) != T_HASH) {
  rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "third argument to repack must be hash");
} else if (!rb_respond_to(options, rb_intern("has_key?"))) {
  rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "hash does not respond to has_key?!");

这不会触发错误。所以它绝对是一个 Hash,而且肯定有Hash#has_key?.


Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
rb_type (obj=44840) at ./include/ruby/ruby.h:1344
1344    ./include/ruby/ruby.h: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  rb_type (obj=44840) at ./include/ruby/ruby.h:1344
#1  rb_any_hash (a=44840) at hash.c:83
#2  0x080fc570 in st_lookup (table=0x8fa0470, key=44840, value=0x0) at st.c:341
#3  0x08066ef8 in rb_hash_has_key (hash=144171660, key=44840) at hash.c:1516
#4  0x08157f7d in vm_call0 (th=0x8265b88, recv=144171660, id=5127, argc=1, argv=0xbfffdf60, me=0x82ce480)
    at vm_eval.c:79
#5  0x081587c4 in rb_call (scope=CALL_FCALL, argv=0xbfffdf60, argc=1, mid=5127, recv=144171660) at vm_eval.c:456
#6  rb_funcall (recv=144171660, mid=5127, n=1) at vm_eval.c:658
#7  0xb70933f8 in nm_rbstring_matlab_repack (self=142142600, str=144171680, from=12992526, options=144171660)
    at ../../../../ext/nmatrix/util/io.cpp:210



1 回答 1


弄清楚了。似乎rb_intern("whatever!")返回一个ID,而 rb_funcall 需要一个VALUE. 所以调用rb_funcall应该是这样的:

rb_funcall(options, rb_intern("has_key?"), 1, ID2SYM(rb_intern("dtype")));

这很令人困惑,因为它:has_key?是一个 ID,并且工作得很好——但参数本身需要是 type VALUE

于 2012-08-23T20:29:06.757 回答