我正在玩 Scalas 的新宏,并从akshaal找到了这个要点。因为它接缝我不太明白。给定以下特征(fieldsMacro 或多或少与 akshaal 示例中的相同)

case class Field[I <: AnyRef](name: String, get: I => Any)

type Fields[I <: AnyRef] = List[Field[I]]

trait FieldAccess {
import FieldMacors._
    import Field._
    import language.experimental.macros

    def fields[T <: AnyRef]: Fields[T] = macro fieldsMacro[T]

    def field[T <: AnyRef](name: String): Fields[T] = fields[T].headOption <-- does not work!
 object FieldMacors {

import language.experimental.macros
import Field._

def fields[T <: AnyRef]: Fields[T] = macro fieldsMacro[T]

 * Get a list of fiels
def fieldsMacro[T <: AnyRef: c.TypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Fields[T]] = {
  import c.universe._
  val instanceT = c.typeOf[T]

  val fields = instanceT.members.filter(member => member.isTerm && !member.isMethod)

  // transform an iterable of expr in a expr of list.
  def foldIntoListExpr[T: c.TypeTag](exprs: Iterable[c.Expr[T]]): c.Expr[List[T]] =
    exprs.foldLeft(reify { Nil: List[T] }) {
      (accumExpr, expr) =>
        reify { expr.splice :: accumExpr.splice }

  val fieldAccessores = for (field <- fields) yield {
    val name = field.name.toString.trim // Why is there a space at the end of field name?!
    val nameExpr = c literal name

    // Construct expression (x : $I) => x.$name
    val getFunArgTree = ValDef(Modifiers(), newTermName("x"), TypeTree(instanceT), EmptyTree)
    val getFunBodyTree = Select(Ident(newTermName("x")), newTermName(name))
    val getFunExpr = c.Expr[T => Any](Function(List(getFunArgTree), getFunBodyTree))
    reify {
      Field[T](name = nameExpr.splice, get = getFunExpr.splice)

编译器抱怨“无法从具有未解析类型参数的类型 T 创建 TypeTag”

我如何设法让 T 进入宏,或者我必须实现另一个使用 fieldsMacro 的宏


1 回答 1


T: TypeTag为类型参数绑定的上下文T意味着您需要提供代替此参数的类型参数是具体的(即不包含对未标记类型参数或抽象类型成员的引用)。否则会发生错误。


scala> val ru = scala.reflect.runtime.universe
ru @ 6d657803: scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse = scala.reflect.runtime.JavaUniverse@6d657803

scala> def foo[T: ru.TypeTag] = implicitly[ru.TypeTag[T]]
foo: [T](implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T]

scala> foo[Int]
res0 @ 7eeb8007: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[Int] = TypeTag[Int]

scala> foo[List[Int]]
res1 @ 7d53ccbe: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[List[Int]] = TypeTag[scala.List[Int]]

scala> def bar[T] = foo[T] // T is not a concrete type here, hence the error
<console>:26: error: No TypeTag available for T
       def bar[T] = foo[T]

scala> def bar[T] = foo[List[T]] // T being not concrete renders 
                                 // the entire compound type not concrete
<console>:26: error: No TypeTag available for List[T]
       def bar[T] = foo[List[T]]

scala> def bar[T: TypeTag] = foo[T] // to the contrast T is concrete here
                                    // because it's bound by a concrete tag bound
bar: [T](implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T]

scala> bar[Int]
res2 @ 7eeb8007: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[Int] = TypeTag[Int]

scala> def bar[T: TypeTag] = foo[List[T]]
bar: [T](implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[List[T]]

scala> bar[Int]
res3 @ 1a108c98: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[List[Int]] = TypeTag[scala.List[Int]]

scala> bar[List[Int]]
res4 @ 76d5989c: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[List[List[Int]]] = TypeTag[scala.List[scala.List[Int]]]


但是,正如您自己所见,宏中的具体类型标签可能会造成混淆,因为通常宏应该适用于具体类型和非具体类型。因此,应该始终使用c.AbsTypeTag。由于这个原因,我们不再允许c.TypeTag2.10.0-M7 中的上下文边界:https ://github.com/scala/scala/commit/788478d3ab 。

编辑. 在 2.10.0-RC1 中,一些AbsTypeTag已重命名为WeakTypeTag. 关于类型标签的其他一切都保持不变。

于 2012-08-23T16:23:30.027 回答